Just found a box of styrofoam heads (pic)

npr-telco said:
woohoo! I suppose there's also a chance people could get hurt if they were startled and lost control of their vehicle :)

no shit :rolleyes:

paint the face to look real.

place on dummy or mannequins body.

drill out a hole in the head, hollow it out, and fill it with ketchup, or better yet, chunky tomato sauce.

smash head, shoot head, hit head with axe, etc. until police arrive.

explain to police that people are not real, and you need the practice :D
you know, you really need to save those for halloween next year or something.... there's so much you can do with those.

or do something on xmas, you know, how calvin from calvin and hobbes always makes those weird snowmen. :)
it's an uber white guy (ok, head) wearing a hat that black people wear. it's a contradiction!!!

bleh, long live stereotypes :)
I wish those headphones were sennheiser, they're some cheap aiwa's from best buy but they sound just fine. :)