Just finished "A Feast For Crows"


my pronouns are..
Veteran XX
Why didn't I listen to you people when you said to read slowly...


The next book won't be out for a long time yet and even that won't be the last. Write faster damn you!
Time to start again from Game of Thrones. Guaranteed there will be subplots and symbology you missed.
This is exactly why I haven't started Feast for Crows yet.

Fucking Martin needs to get off his ass and finish the fucking book.
Martin is going to pull a Robert Jordan and die before he finishes everything. Although with his style I'm just going to assume the assholes win and the main characters we've been reading about for 400 pages die along the way. and their little [strike]dogs[/strike] wolves too.
Martin is going to pull a Robert Jordan and die before he finishes everything. Although with his style I'm just going to assume the assholes win and the main characters we've been reading about for 400 pages die along the way. and their little [strike]dogs[/strike] wolves too.
I don't know...


I really like his style. The twists aren't bad I'm just bitter he's taking too damn long to finish the series. I like the darker fantasy because it's not cliché bad guys die because they're evil and good guys win because they're the protagonist. The books feel more realistic.

I also like how he tossed in the Mongols and some other aspects of eastern civilizations and didn’t just limit his world to “England in 1066”

Bah this thread is making me want to reread them now and I’ll just get angry that I can’t finish the series or even pick up a new novel.
5 years since Feast for Crows was released, and he STILL hasn't finished Dance with Dragons. And even when he does finish it, its 6 months to a year before its actually published

Jordan was never this bad
I think it will be out within the next 5 years. By the time the HBO series gets to season/book 4 he'll have to come out with something.

From his blog, it seems that the problem is that it's too long. He wants to keep it below the length of Storm of Swords if possible, but it's not enough to wrap up the story. I wish he would just release it as two books.
From his blog, it seems that the problem is that it's too long. He wants to keep it below the length of Storm of Swords if possible, but it's not enough to wrap up the story. I wish he would just release it as two books.

From his blog, you would assume that he doesn't even write novels. This mountain of a man sits in front of his TV all day and watches football and stuffs his face with lemoncakes.
I think it will be out within the next 5 years. By the time the HBO series gets to season/book 4 he'll have to come out with something.

From his blog, it seems that the problem is that it's too long. He wants to keep it below the length of Storm of Swords if possible, but it's not enough to wrap up the story. I wish he would just release it as two books.

From his signing tour for Feast for Crows, it was already far too big and he split what was supposed to be one book into two. He told us Dance with Dragon would be out very soon, because it was already mostly done

That was 5 years ago
Im just waiting for him to die/finish the damn series before I start it.

Anyways, now that you are done, read Daemon by Daniel Suarez and its sequel Freedom. Totally different genre then song of ice and fire, but most people here will love them. Its billed by most people as science fiction, but the best part about the book is that it really isn't sci-fi...it uses all modern tech, although a couple things are a bit stronger then current day in the first book.