Juggernaught is a LARPer.

Do SCA people get deployed to warzones with their swords and armor to fight the terrorists?

Do airsofters get deployed to warzones?

They use antiquated weapons & tactics and they simulate battles for fun instead of doing it as their job (although their job could include swordfighting for movies), other than that, they aren't any different.


Edit: Whoever asked about the honor system, yeah, that's pretty much it. It's really obvious when someone ignores a hit most of the time. I used to just swing much harder when someone I was fighting was being a douche. Depending on how they're made some of them can cause a decent amount of pain if you swing hard enough, and that will usually get people to change their minds. If you piss enough people off you'll develop a reputation (I mean... seriously... you're with the same group of nerds every time.) and to put it simply, they just won't play with you.

Some people throw fits though, which are always :lol: worthy.
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Reggs, what does your Korean girlfriend think about LARPing?

She was shocked to find out that I was involved at first. I never told her about it, but one morning I had to drop something off at her house on a Sunday morning and didn't have time to change in normal clothes. That's when she first found out.

Overall it was never much of an issue since she always knew cosplayers, which are like LARPers, but 10X all the negative stereotypes. And she's not Koreans. The only white people Koreans date are Jews.
This is obviously a troll thread...

There is a big difference between the SCA, and LARP'ers.

It should be noted that I partake in neither of them.
I have literally never met any Korean who was dating a Jew.

It's becoming popular. There are many things about their culture that are alike. I see it around me where I live, and also read an article on it that answered all the questions you cant really casually ask people. Jew girls love money, and are also very demanding and high maintenance, and sometimes tend to "outprice" themselves. Korean girls are similar but more moderate. Both groups are extremely xenophobic, but have some measure of respect for one other. A jewish man and a Korean woman are the most popular combination since the man is always more successful at converting the woman to Judaism.
Anyone remember the Robocop dance/song?

ROBOCOP who is he
ROBOCOP what is he

reggs, everytime someone brings up your incredibly creepy relationship with your asian adopted sister, how come you ignore them?
well someone happened to mention to me that your parents adopted some korean girl when you were 5-6 that lived with you and you guys ended up having a relationship and moving in with eachother shortly after she turned 18
reggs...are you humping your sister? well i guess technically she's not...but still..

But then again i think i remember reggs saying he was from Louisiana...thats a common thing down there.
well someone happened to mention to me that your parents adopted some korean girl when you were 5-6 that lived with you and you guys ended up having a relationship and moving in with eachother shortly after she turned 18

This is like a bad game of telephone. What else have people said about me?