Judge to poor people: "Stop fucking!"

They should just break the necks of those babies the second they're born.

If they're fucking squeamish about it, give 'em to me, and I'll snap 'em in half like fucking twigs.
Bounty said:
They should just break the necks of those babies the second they're born.

If they're fucking squeamish about it, give 'em to me, and I'll snap 'em in half like fucking twigs.
... or, like, send em to a clinic to be cleaned up and adopted?
CNN said:
The couple may choose to be sterilized at no cost to them, O'Connor ruled.


"I think what the judge is trying to do is kind of have a wake-up call for society," he said.
:lol: Give that man a medal!

The title of this thread is a bit missleading, tho. It is not about said people being poor but fucked up drug addicts (and poor).
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Or perhaps the parents should be in jail for child abuse and therefore unable to reproduce again....

If you toddler tests positive for cocaine, you are most definitely abusing them.

PS: No where in the story did it say they were poor...although they probably are because they spend all their money supporting their drug habits.
Token's dad said:
Well, [we are rich] because we went to graduate school and therefore have more lucrative jobs than most people in town. For instance, your mother is a chemist for a pharmaceutical company, whereas your friend Eric Cartman's mother is a crack whore. One pays more than the other.
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Excel said:
... or, like, send em to a clinic to be cleaned up and adopted?
because EVERYONE is looking for a coke addicted child. the kid will end up either not being adoopted and being paid for by your tax dollars. or have a coke addiction that will probably lead to a life of crime, they'll end up in jail...being paid for by your tax dollars
JuggerNaught said:
because EVERYONE is looking for a coke addicted child. the kid will end up either not being adoopted and being paid for by your tax dollars. or have a coke addiction that will probably lead to a life of crime, they'll end up in jail...being paid for by your tax dollars
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Excel said:
... or, like, send em to a clinic to be cleaned up and adopted?

No. They're just going to turn into fucking criminals. They and their kind need to be fucking erradicated.

We should only keep enough of them around to clean our Burger Kings -- and that's it!
Reproduction should not be a right. It should be a privilege for those responsible enough to handle it. But that's just my opinion.
fuck who would want to adopt a kid like that
on his lists were:
Being addicted to cocaine when he was born
Going through the most important part of their lives with fucked up parents
probably have horrible education
and god only knows what else

Yea i want that kid!
i guess those children have no civil liberties, lets defend the crackhead parents. dumbass lawyers
1st step down the road to requiring a license to have a child, thank god. that judge should be given a nobel prize
Greywolf said:
fuck who would want to adopt a kid like that
on his lists were:
Being addicted to cocaine when he was born
Going through the most important part of their lives with fucked up parents
probably have horrible education
and god only knows what else

Yea i want that kid!
well... if they are under two, I'd bet lots of sterile couples would jump at the chance.
family courts are civil courts, they have no ability to sentence anyone (other than minors) to jail time.

too bad, in this case.. but its up to the DA to bring charges against them in criminal court
Oh yeah, just to clarify, I agree with the decision, but trying to stop people en masse from having children is a failed idea.
A government should NEVER have the ability to tell who is allowed to have children and who may not, INSTEAD it should have the power to tell who does and who doesn't get subsidized for having children. Regulating pregnancies is against the autonomy one should have over their own body and just a step too close to a clientele system on this subject.