
Hopefully this is a decent thread idea. So what do our TW members do for income? Is the current recession affecting you? Discuss, enlighten, inform, educate, flame, whatever.
I graduated from college in May 2008. Still looking for a full-time, salaried job. The market here is terrible. Family and close family friends count 6 corporate VPs or higher, and still nothing.
i work for the canadian government, job security is golden (knock on wood). so far out here in vancouver the 'recession' hasn't hurt so much as the economy is quite strong, but real estate is the pits right now :p
Business, with a minor in Spanish. I'm in Texas, so the Spanish is really valuable. My strengths are Advertising and Marketing, which are hurting pretty bad right now.

hyper: cool I'm sure he will be stoked to hear you're not suffering right now. master: That's cool I started off as a business major and i also speak fluent Spanish which works for me seeing as I'm from SD and now live in Newport Beach.
hyper: cool I'm sure he will be stoked to hear you're not suffering right now. master: That's cool I started off as a business major and i also speak fluent Spanish which works for me seeing as I'm from SD and now live in Newport Beach.

well it depends becasue the aviation i'm in there is always a need, i fly in alaska. the lower 48 is a different story but with the decrease in gas prices may airlines will start flying more again and make a need for more pilots down there.
I graduated in May 2008 as well with Anthropology and History, I live in New Brunswick Canada and didn't see a whole lot around here that interested me so next month I'm off to take basic military officer qualification.

I don't know what it's like in the other provinces but even a provincial job isn't guaranteed secure here right now. Most of my friends starting provincial jobs are only given one year contracts and then have to find another department because longer than that they would be in the union. The only secure jobs for young people here any more seem to be something federal, police, fire, or healthcare.
I've always wanted to be a military sniper but I'm colored blind which would prohibit me from becoming a sniper. I've found some material on correcting the color blindness, but for my current situation it seems military or police enlistment seems to be becoming the most likely choice right now for my situation with a decent long term potential.
I've always wanted to be a military sniper but I'm colored blind which would prohibit me from becoming a sniper. I've found some material on correcting the color blindness, but for my current situation it seems military or police enlistment seems to be becoming the most likely choice right now for my situation with a decent long term potential.

lol long term
I did the in home tech support for Circuit City before our store was closed. I applied on careerbuilder and monster and a local job finding internet site, and got seriously like 5 offers that I'd be willing to take (Tech related, no retail, 15$+ an hour) Im 21 and still in school BTW

I got hired at this ATM repair company that pays 40K a year. They're doing all the electromechanical training for me. I seriously recommend using these sites, if for no other reason then they make you put together a solid resume.