
I don't think people are appreciating the reflective moment I'm having here, when did we ever discuss tribes on tribalwar?

deep personal moments like this require your attention and consideration
Stig said:
I know, maybe it's the culture or something, I just hate pigeonholing anyone and I find I'm doing this more and more with Jewish's like I see the same positive and negative traits

I know it's fucked up...guess that's why I'm posting, need re-edumacation

Increase your sample size.
You think of it the wrong way. My old very close friend is Jewish. I asked him to teach me the ways of the Jew so that I could save money. Very usefull stuff. ;)
im jewish and i spend money all the time

..usually on other people

note: i do not have an allowance or a job, so this is my birthday money we're talking about :/
Stig said:
while I'm at it, why do black people have such large penises? it's totally unfair

So they won't be embarassed if they have to undress in front of a Jew. Stop asking stupid questions.
Stig said:
like I said, the people I know, not everyone

i didnt say you said everyone

i was merely giving you an example of someone who thinks the concept of money is ridiculous while being jewish
I think God thought:

okay, this babel thing is way out of hand, time to fuck them up a bit:

I shalt make white folk; they will conquer much of the world at one time and enslave other races. To highlight their imperfections, I will create an idiot breed and they shall be called The French

I shalt make black men; they will be enslaved and generally fucked over by the white man for an amount time, so I will give them very large reproductive organs to attract unsatisfied white women

I will create Indian people and they will reproduce often. I will give them funny accents and they will smell strongly of the food they eat

I will create mexican people to mow the lawns of white people. They will own at boxing

I will bring forth asian people, they will race cars and draw pictures of people with fucked up hairstyles...they shall call it animi

Finally, I will create Jews, they will be my chosen people and will succeed often. They will kill my son one day so I will create Germans
