Jerry's Thoughts on Blizzard's "Overwatch" !

I really enjoyed the beta this weekend. I am looking forward to the next open weekend beta thing.
deer mr jerry mccyanide

after this amaze review i herby request u make official utube reviews for game u play. this will be start of amaze career. dont forget tw wen u jusin beeber of reviewer guys.

I found the game fun for the 4 hours I played it. It can be a bit frenetic, but I could usually figure out what killed me. I'd love to try it on a group using voice communication. Will probably buy.
It's a fun game, but it requires a lot of teamwork to be fun.

Back in Tribes days I had time, energy, and devotion to teamwork. Nowadays, not so much. And if you lack these qualities -- then you will get completely stomped.

There are plenty of FPS which don't require teamwork. In fact, many FPS are more fun when you have a shit team (since it means you'll have more targets to kill).
its not like the tribes sort of teamwork though. with this its more about everyone pushing their ult buttons at the right time.
This game definitely has a ramp up curve in enjoyment. Quick play will always be super random. Especially early when people are just learning the heroes, maps and how to play in general, one person fucking around will tank your chances to win.

Once people start playing and separating in skill, PUGs will be much better. Already competitive has been much better than quick play with people try harding more and willing to form good comps. I will also instalock DPS but being willing/able to switch to heals/tank will win you games. Tanks and heals can be just as broken if done well which is good.
deer mr jerry mccyanide

after this amaze review i herby request u make official utube reviews for game u play. this will be start of amaze career. dont forget tw wen u jusin beeber of reviewer guys.


yes jerry plz create a podcat (podcat sounds tight i dont want to correct the misspell) called "Jerry's Thoughts On" and review games in you're ahead-of-its-time banter-y way

ty god bless gl 2 u
Super looking forward to this game, had to read the Jer's review to get his thought. Pre ordered it and was pissed I didn't get in this weekend.

It sounds like a game that is crisp, but has no soul. For example, Tribes was shit for graphics, but you could feel the speed of skiing, and the impact of mid air disc. Some games just don't have that, you kill and feel nothing.

I haven't been playing many first person shooters since Tribes because I hate to suck at them and to not suck at them, you have to put in a few hours a week just to keep sharp. That gets harder when you have to exercise and do other old people shit. I'll give this a go, but I'll probably be casual as fuck with it.

As long as you remain casual, you will enjoy it! I HAVE NO DOUBT!

There is enough variance in classes, maps, and objectives to keep your time for five or ten hours a week. I GUARANTEE IT!

- Jerry
deer mr jerry mccyanide

after this amaze review i herby request u make official utube reviews for game u play. this will be start of amaze career. dont forget tw wen u jusin beeber of reviewer guys.


Thank you!
yes jerry plz create a podcat (podcat sounds tight i dont want to correct the misspell) called "Jerry's Thoughts On" and review games in you're ahead-of-its-time banter-y way

ty god bless gl 2 u

WOW! It appears as though my opinions are valued. HOLY SHIT!

Should I go nu-male for my review persona? What will bring in the big bucks?!
cy maybe i can help you become good in overwatch like I did with you in tribes and diablo 1, 2 and 3.