Jeff Bezos goes to space

Watched it on CNN as it got low it was descending at ~15-16 mph, commentator says "thrusters will launch just before touchdown for a very gentle landing"
Capsule proceeds to hit the ground at 15-16mph.

That would be why the news coverage I was watching 'live' happened to switch out at the crucial point and we missed the touchdown, they obviously deliberately edited it out to avoid any bad press.

They may have thought 'shit it's gonna blow' so it got skipped with the swear button
Everyone should be more humble about this. To draw comparisons with the moon landing so long after the moon landing is just goofy. He also just should have worn some off the shelf outfit and saved some slick braded uniform for something more serious. He got a bespoke superhero just for that?
I mean it's cool they went to space, but it was such a short trip. And I really wouldn't call them "Astronauts" because that's not their full time thing and everything was automated.

oh, u mean like air force men and nasa part-timers gus grissom and alan shepard and jim lovell and john glenn and the other doods i don't kno b/c they didn't "me too!" w/ gagarin or get burned alive or star in a ron howard flick?
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of coarse we all know vanster's a godless commie who hates the usa even more than he hates himself, so midas whale forget about it
its funny watching people get all hot about a billionare who almost made it to space 50 years after some shit funded project made it to the moon
Who gives a fuck if they are 'astronauts'. They went to space. You can' call them goat ropers, that doesn't change the fact they did something that like 99.9% of the earths population will never do.

jesus..bunch of haters
It was a rocket propelled balloon ride.. don't suck his dick too much over it. Now if the lander stayed attached to the rocket and they rode the fucker back down I'd be more impressed.

SpaceX is so far ahead of this its not even the same sport.