[jack] 24... season 7


Veteran X
Season 7 starts tonight... but seems to be "on" early.

If you havent seen it yet, check out the Redemption movie thing first.

I will be confirming the "early" viewing time shortly.
Amazing how a show meant to have 24 episodes has managed to continue long past its intended existence.
I can't believe this show is still on.

Random storyline: √
Stereotypical characters: √
Lots of explosions: √
Novel idea run completely into the ground: √

Make sure to stay tuned after 24 for Prison Break Season 5: We haven't been near a prison since season 1.
This early "showing" seems legit. Screeners.

im downloading redemption right now
was it any good?

it is jack bauer trying to escape violence and his past, forced to fuck some douchebags up and escape through the african jungles... all cuz of some weird conspiracy involving a senator's family back in DC (or something like that).

I mean... it's 24, what do you expect? :D
its getting kind of stupid

you're telling me jack bauer is central to the last 7 major terror plots against the united states?

He isnt central. He just kinda... gets pulled into it and they need him.

The opening scene of this season is fucking hilarious.

 Jack is before a senate hearing testifying openly about how he has tortured to save lives and has no regrets. He says he trusts the american people to judge him and tells the senator off for his smugness. He then gets called off mid-hearing for some vital, important mission by the FBI. 

ANd of course... the FBI agent is an extremely hot chick.

(read the whole thing)

This pretty much sums up the show and it's ridiculousness post season 2 (except the cougar thing). Talk about running a unique premise for a show dead into the ground. But hey, if it still get's ratings I guess you can't really blame them.

edit: :lol: I just now noticed the iReport: WHO DO YOU WORK FOR?
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jesus, this show's dialog is basically 90% bush legacy revisionism. GJ Fox. :lol:

I think my favorite part of last season was when Jack shaved off his homeless beard and was perfectly clean shaven and showered during a 4 minute commercial break.
reasons i'm watching this season...
