I've been struck by the word of God


Veteran XV
cliffs: A fucking bible hit me

My friend keeps a bible on the dashboard of his car, and when he accelerated after a red light, the holy book flew back and hit me in the chest.

I laughed.
Because I don't care what people's religious beliefs are, as long as they don't try to convert me?
then again, i always look back fondly on the time before sig lines, when people would have trick sentences at the end of their signatures
No, GOD hit him in the chest with the Bible!

This would actually be a nice Seinfeldish 'stop short' strategy for jesus freaks. Why else would he have a bible on his dashboard?


"hey that's funny. But it wasn't an accident. Let's talk about it."
I used to have a cross on my rearview mirror. I figured it wouldn't hurt if I was pulled over by a cop that believed in that crap.

Oh and a "God is my co-pilot" bumper sticker.

Most states give out stickers at police benefits/charities. It's kind of understood that if you have it on your car they will cut you a break.

I don't believe in stickers though.
I see a lot of asians with tacky glass ornaments glued to the dashboards of their ugly cars.

Almost always a dragon or buddha, who would have guessed?
I'm a big fan of the Super Happy Lucky Cat dashboard ornament.

then again, i always look back fondly on the time before sig lines, when people would have trick sentences at the end of their signatures

then again, i always look back fondly on the time before sig lines, when people would have trick sentences at the end of their signatures
Obviously you failed the test. Only in the footsteps of God, will he proceed.

Do yourself a favor and never search for the Holy Grail.