[it's official] Jew Trump gives full power to the Jews

im sure you've read all about it on stormfront and are basing your ideas on that

some people speak based on real life experience

have you ever been to any country in the middle east?

p.s. samuwell the topic is about moving the embassy - the US isn't deciding what the capital is lmfao
Is that the best anti-semiticalling card you can play? I don't have to visit the Himalayans to know those mountains exist. I dont' have to visit Zioland to know that racist shit hole exists.

Fun fact:
In 2005 the Palestinians endured over 4000 check point closures. Not between Zioland and Palestine, but between Palestinkian areas!

Now that's control unst rule by kike gruppen no?

Even with the barrier wall up, the Palestinkians can't move around there own country, oops territory.
You don't have to pay for a sanitized Zioland tour company to show you, you can just read about it.



The Israel Defense Forces' Military Advocate General, Maj. Gen. Dr. Menachem Finkelstein released a statement to the Knesset Constitution, Justice and Law Committee in which he reported that there were many complaints about the troops manning the checkpoints abusing and humiliating Palestinians. He said that the excessive number of complaints "lit a red light". He said that the number of complaints required an examination to see whether the misbehavior was being caused by an excessive workload of the IDF soldiers manning the checkpoints.[18]
An Israeli soldier was removed from duty and imprisoned for two weeks for refusing the passage of a pregnant Palestinian woman in labour. The woman was forced to give birth at the checkpoint and she suffered a miscarriage.[19]
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palestinian checkpoints have nothing to do with how well people get along in jerusalem

im not saying israel is a perfect place and you're welcome to nitpick israels politics and actions and motivations

still doesn't change the fact that the dome of the rock and the wailing wall are literally on top of each other and yet people of both religions peacefully congregate at both places without blowing them up
you have no idea what jerusalem is like so you tried to move the goalposts and talk about the palestinian occupation

which is a bad thing, i agree. it just has nothing to do with how well arabs/jews/christians get along in the city that contains all 3's highest holy sites

can't attack the argument so you try to move the goalposts and attack the person


I didn't move goal posts. You asserted some kind of bubble of peace existed.

What was the purpose of your post about people getting along with one another in a religious placed ringed with metal detectors and saturated with armed and trigger happy IOF'ers?

And you concluded that this was a "really cool place cause people from three religions are getting along with one another." :rofl:

~dickschnitzel~ isn't happy with me, he's neg repping away. A comment:

Integer ut tristique eros, eu tristique ipsum. Nam a rhoncus nibh, ac sagittis orci. Duis mattis porttitor odio a accumsan. Donec nec tempus lacus, a tempor neque. Suspendisse ac elit lectus. Phasellus tempor mauris tortor, id efficitur sapien rutrum

Anyone know latin?
i didnt say israel in general, i specified a city

a city that if you went there, you'd see plays out quite peacefully, especially relative to less civilized places with far more conflict and with far less history of conflict

you just used your confirmation bias to assume that i was talking about the entire country or even arguing that the country is in the right or a great place to live

i did not say that, you just assumed i was saying it because of my genetics :lol:
i mean i guess its arsin, i could have said that there's a good falafel spot in the arab market and he would assume i was saying that israel is the best place in the world etc so i shouldn't be surprised
p.s. samuwell the topic is about moving the embassy - the US isn't deciding what the capital is lmfao
Apparently i didn't explain my point correctly. The entire Islamic and leftist Eurotrash nations are losing their shit over where the US decides to put its embassy, based off a city that the host nation wants to call its capital. I feel like the US needs to get international approval to where it can put an embassy in a foreign nation.
One thing i dont understand is how America has any decision on where the Jews put their capital. Isn't this something that is usually decided by the home country? It would be like the US asking for permission from England if we can move our capital to some other east cost shithole city.

It's like you're asking why the fuck 1+1 is 2 :ftard:

Like I said, USA was the main mediator between all those countries to negotiate peace. Who decided that Israel should be there in the first place?
Anyway, Trump ended that mediation and decided, for some random reason (or not, obviously), that Jerusalem is officially Jewish.. Not giving a single fuck about everyone else, specially those who were there long before Israel (as a nation). This ain't rocket engineering rly
It's like you're asking why the fuck 1+1 is 2 :ftard:

Like I said, USA was the main mediator between all those countries to negotiate peace. Who decided that Israel should be there in the first place?
Great Briton did.
AnubiS said:
Anyway, Trump ended that mediation and decided, for some random reason (or not, obviously), that Jerusalem is officially Jewish.. Not giving a single fuck about everyone else, specially those who were there long before Israel (as a nation). This ain't rocket engineering rly
Thats kinda of what i am saying. Israel has been calling Jerusalem their capital for however long (i honestly dont know how long) but apparently it hasn't been official until the US decided to move its embassy there. Its like, now that the US is moving its embassy, that was the only thing that makes it an official capital.
I don't like Israel, but I don't like the Palestinians either. What would you do if you were Israel, try to make life easy for Palestinians? Give me a fucking break.
Thats kinda of what i am saying. Israel has been calling Jerusalem their capital for however long (i honestly dont know how long) but apparently it hasn't been official until the US decided to move its embassy there. Its like, now that the US is moving its embassy, that was the only thing that makes it an official capital.

israel has considered jerusalem its capital basically since its inception (within the first year), the international community has considered jerusalem part of the occupied palestinian territories but not technically a part of israel or palestine - it was intended to be a 'separate body' administered by the UN

some basic reading
Positions on Jerusalem - Wikipedia

previous presidents have avoided moving the embassy to jerusalem, most likely out of fear of being seen as 'taking sides' and escalating tensions

but the us moving its embassy has no official bearing on its status as the capital (or not)
Meanwhile, let's wait for the Cuckservatives here to pay their internet bills so they can point some alternative facts and explain why their lovely Trump is supporting Jews they also hate for w/e reasons.

"Cuckservative" who has autopay set up for internet service here.

I already told your dumbass why President Trump signed off on moving the embassy to Jerusalem. Problem is you are a retarded, and worthless foreign pos who lacks even basic reading comprehension skills. :shrug: