It's a man eat dog world [in China]


Veteran X
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I've always told myself that I'd eat dog if I were overseas, thinking while it's a pet to me it's meat to someone else. But after watching this video I'm sure I couldn't (Unless I was like, starving, of course.)

My professor in my Criminology class had a vegan activist come to speak one day. And while I couldn't be convinced to give up meat (let alone all animal products) it did get me to eat less of it, mainly for the health reasons. I would think that a video like this, which isn't at all graphic, would push me to eat even less meat or consider giving it up but it doesn't. I still can't put a cow on the level of a dog, mainly for the reason that when I see a cow I haven't seen in a while it doesn't go apeshit. And still... while I wouldn't kill a dog to eat its meat I don't care if a dog is killed in the course of medical research or is put to sleep at an animal shelter.

Bet dog tastes nasty too.
:shrug: I have no aversion to eating dog. If it was packaged or served as beef or chicken and was competitive in taste and cost, I'd eat it.
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I tend to ascribe human emotions to animals even though I know it's retarded. I have no problems eating meat, but I wouldn't want to picture my dog as my next meal. Or my horse.
not gonna watch the video, but if you watched a video of them killing a cow or a chicken or a pig or lamb or whatever the fuck else you wanna eat... would you be as likely to eat it?

we're pretty insulated from that shit. Everyone should kill their own food at least a few times.

Not saying I'm any better, but it is funny how people are so insulated from reality.
Dog meat is like really fatty bacon, not that bad at all. I accidentally ordered it in China a few years ago. I wasn't really that torn up about it, but several of the people I was with puked after finding out it was dog.
hehe, I'd get it just for that. :D

I used to slaughter and clean turkey every year at thanksgiving and christmas. Chicken occasionally. Dirty business, but didnt make me want to eat it any less :shrug:
Wings start flapping everywhere and the whole body spazzes out. I've never seen one run around, but I can see where the saying comes from. Makes me wonder what it must have looked like watching someone get put to death by guillotine.
the cow is considered holy in india and theyre disgusted by americans eating it

anyone complaining about eating dog is a fuckin hypocrite and bigot.
How is it that Asians have such a broad range of foods and Anglos have such a comparatively small range?

I mean, i'm sure there were dogs in France. Why did they not eat them?
Not saying I'm any better, but it is funny how people are so insulated from reality.

Very true, but yes I've seen the videos and they don't disturb me. I mean... I've killed fish. I've watched my dad kill ducks. Both made their way to my plate and I never thought twice about it.

What DOES bug me however is the conditions in which these animals are kept some of the time. I fund industrial pig (and other meat... but particularly pig) farming dehumanizing.