Is this place safe for ladies?

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Uh huh. Can you look me right in the eye and tell me you werent trying to get a reaction by saying you thought I was 50?
When we meet up in Philly, I will do just that.

When is the next time your job will require you to be in the city of niggerly love?
The most scared I have ever been was rolling through philly at like 3am. I made sure all my windows were up and the doors were locked. Went past a hotel that was surrounded by fucking razor wire fence.

I decided driving without sleep was safer than staying the night.
I would tell you that I wasn't trying to get a rise out of you.

I don't really know how I'll tie you to do an inflatable bed... but if there's a will, there's a way.
The most scared I have ever been was rolling through philly at like 3am. I made sure all my windows were up and the doors were locked. Went past a hotel that was surrounded by fucking razor wire fence.

I decided driving without sleep was safer than staying the night.

Oh Baltimore is much worse than Philly. Ive actually driven on to DC so I wouldnt HAVE to stay in Baltimore.

Newsflash: You do not kill a thread by ADDING to it. :D

This thread is like the Energizer Bunny. It just keeps on going and going and going....
Dear missmanners,

Please stay in your thread and quit stinking up the rest of my forum, i come here to read about video games, not to read your annoying drivel. you are a woman and have no use to me outside of sex, please stop trying to be entertaining and go make a pie for us or something.



p.s. a sammich would be nice too.
This thread is still going?
Cliff notes?


1. I just took a massive shit.
2. Other TWers have puked and pissed in the same bowl without flushing.
3. Train wreck has blowed up.
4. People still come to gawk.
5. Missmanners wins poster of the year for 2010.

The end.
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