Is there a ma counter script somewhere?

there was a nice event if you actually did damage with your projectiles, so you could Sound("bhit.wav"); and knew you hit the target. It was on during pubs and off in tourny mode. But yea, I wasn't serious about this because the hitnotifcation is cheating, big times
some serious ideas:
// 0 = Exit, 1 = Inventory, 2 = Remote-Inv 
function remoteStationUpdate(%client, %station)
	// We need to wait a second, since we get the station access on/off before the gui ;)
	if(%station == 0)
	else if(%station == 1)
		Event::Trigger(eventEnterStation, "Inventory");
	else if(%station == 2)
		Event::Trigger(eventEnterStation, "RemoteInventory");
	else if(%station == 6)
		Event::Trigger(eventEnterStation, "Vehicle");

function remoteCountDown(%client, %count)
	if(%count == 0)

function remoteITXT(%manager, %msg) 
	if(%manager == 2048) 
		Control::setValue(EnergyDisplayText, %msg); 

function remoteReceiveMessage(%client, %count, %item, %itemId)
	Event::Trigger(EventItemReceived, %item, %count);

//dont abuse this
function remoteHitReport(%serverId, %victimId, %weaponId)
	Event::Trigger(eventHitReport, %victimId);

function remotePlayerTracking(%serverId, %type) {
	if(%type == 0)
		use("Disc Launcher");

function remoteObservedBy(%server, %observer, %active)
		remoteCP(2048, "<JC><F0>" @ Client::getName(%observer) @ " <F2>is OBSERVING you", 2);
		remoteCP(2048, "<JC><F0>" @ Client::getName(%observer)  @ " <F1>is NO LONGER observing you", 2);		
//unused functions
function remoteMaHitReport(%serverId, %distance, %victimId) {}
function remoteNewMission(%serverid) {}
function remoteSwitchUpdate(%serverId, %switchId, %teamId , %client, %oldteamId) {}
function remoteFRFlagUpdate(%serverId, %flagId, %teamId, %client, %oldteamId, %type, %timeleft) {}
function remoteObjectUpdate(%ServerId, %objectId, %teamId, %client) {}
function remoteMissionInfo(%serverId, %missionName, %missionType, %scoreLimit, %timeLimit) {}
function remoteObjectHolder(%serverId, %objectId, %teamId) {}
function remoteNewObject(%serverId, %objectId, %objectType, %objectName) {}
function remotevotestart(%server, %client, %a, %b){}
function remotevoteadd(%server, %vote){}
function remotevoteend(%server, %result){}
I can set up the remote dealio, maybe we can add some of these features along witht eh new LH Checks mj (lez talk later this week about some of these i'll add them)
ya i think it would b pretty cool 2 add a sound when u damage enemy (or friendly LOL)

it always good 2 have reassurance/reward like pavlov tribe gg
I wrote a script like this ones. It registers MA and distance. Only works on Fstat though.

The script allso collects stats from in-game, like cappers, grabbers, best kills etc.