Is there a firefox spellchecker?


Veteran X
Ok, I've gone over to Firefox yet again,(0.9.2) but I can't find a decent spellchecker for it anywhere. I was using IE spell for IE, and I cannot live without my spellchecker.
The only spellchecker I have found is out of date and buggy as hell.
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those are all for mozilla, not firefox, there's one that was suggested over on SA, I can't remember the name of it now, but I d/led it and it works great. There's only one forum I'm on that it doesn't work, but they have some screwy configuration with vBulletin that's almost all java or something...really really strange. I won't be home for another 6 hours, but if no one else posts the name of it I'll bump this thread then.

Oh, and the one I'm referring to as dictionary's from other countries/languages too, so if you're aus/brit/canadian you can set it to spell color as colour and rumor as rumour etc and other shit like that :bigthumb:
Gobd said:

Those don't work. Tried 'em.
It's a lot easier to check spelling/typos with a browser-integrated checker.
My spelling is adequate, but sometimes I want to check it. Do you have a problem with that?
It's also a major selling point in getting my roomate to switch over.

Krobar said:
those are all for mozilla, not firefox, there's one that was suggested over on SA, I can't remember the name of it now, but I d/led it and it works great. There's only one forum I'm on that it doesn't work, but they have some screwy configuration with vBulletin that's almost all java or something...really really strange. I won't be home for another 6 hours, but if no one else posts the name of it I'll bump this thread then.

Oh, and the one I'm referring to as dictionary's from other countries/languages too, so if you're aus/brit/canadian you can set it to spell color as colour and rumor as rumour etc and other shit like that :bigthumb:
Yeah, cheers man. That sounds like exactly what I am looking for. :bigthumb:
Please post in this thread when you have the name of the spellchecker.
brakums said:
brakums shoots, he scores!!!

this is the one, you have to download all the first 3 things (or at least that was the consensus, and it works) and then get whichever dictionary you want. Works great :)

Gobd: sorry I misread what you had, I didnt click on the links since I'm at work, but I saw when I mousedover that 2 of them said firebird, so I figured they were older than .8, and the first one says mozilla 1.6a.

spellbound is awesome though, highly recommend it, would d/l again ++
:bigthumb: Brakums! (and Krobar)
This is just the thing! Many thanks, it works perfectly. :)
(above sentence was intentionally horribly misspelled)