Is a chipset Heatsink/fan necessary?


Veteran XX
I have an IS7 mobo. Recently, the hooks that attach a heatsink and fan combo to the mobo snapped off. I'm not sure where the tiny attachment hooks went because I can't find them, and I dont have any extras. Thus, I wont be able to seat a new heatsink and fan onto the mobo's chipset.

My question is, is one even necessary? Do I have to worry about it overheating if I'm not overclocking at all? Currently I have a large fan pointed directly into the case, will that be enough?

I assume since it came on the mobo it is needed. Why risk it anyway, go to a computer store and pick a new one up, 6-15 bucks is what they run at a store near me.
Without a heatsink your CPU will overheat as soon as power is sent to it and either do an emergency shutdown or burn up. So yes it is necessary.
InfinitySquared said:
Without a heatsink your CPU will overheat as soon as power is sent to it and either do an emergency shutdown or burn up. So yes it is necessary.

hes talking about the chipset, not the cpu smart one. and yeah at least a heatsink should be on there