Is a Brita worth it?

lol my dad helped design brita. anyways the only thing it actually removes are positively charged ions (along with larger particulate but that shouldnt be a problem in the first place) so it takes the lead/iron/calcium/magnesium and replaces them with sodium. its the calcium/magnesium that makes water "taste" hard, and thus the change in taste that people tend to experience is just due to switching ions around. All in all for the salts it doesnt matter what you drink, but should there be any heavy metals in the water brita certainly takes care of those. It also removes the chlorine so dont let filtered water sit around forever.
where i grew up, our neighborhood was on a well. at my apartment, the water is really strong tasting from minerals and it's chlorinated too. i've got a brita pitcher that i keep in the fridge, it definitely makes a difference in taste. i refuse to buy bottled water.
I live in lubbock. My ice maker makes salty ice, my diswasher leaves sediment in overturned dishes. A Brita is a must.
lol my dad helped design brita. anyways the only thing it actually removes are positively charged ions (along with larger particulate but that shouldnt be a problem in the first place) so it takes the lead/iron/calcium/magnesium and replaces them with sodium. its the calcium/magnesium that makes water "taste" hard, and thus the change in taste that people tend to experience is just due to switching ions around. All in all for the salts it doesnt matter what you drink, but should there be any heavy metals in the water brita certainly takes care of those. It also removes the chlorine so dont let filtered water sit around forever.

I think you are describing a water softener, not a brita carbon filter....
I just fill a jug with water and keep it in my fridge, after 20 minutes it tastes better then straight out of the tap and it's cold.

run it through a garden hose first, everybody knows the best tasting water on the planet comes from the garden hose.
I love mine. I don't have the faucet one (those are annoying), but the pitcher and it's great. The water where I live tastes like lead, arsenic and salmon piss and I don't really care what it does but it gets that taste out and makes it drinkable.
I think you are describing a water softener, not a brita carbon filter....

Brita filters have a double action:

1. The activated carbon filter eliminates from tap water bad odor and taste of halogen compounds that chlorine makes with water.
2. The exchange ion resin lowers the concentration of calcium carbonates, accordingly softening tap water.

-wikipedia (exactly what i said)
you peple are rediculous. Water is water. Drink up!

No. Well-water is horrible, and if you live in city-limits ( in this area anyways ) the water smells horrible, and may induce vomiting.

I'll never forget the first time I used ice-cubes created using the fridge+city water. At first, I didn't notice anything, then I started smelling a piss-like smell - and it was the fucking ice. It was so fucking nasty I almost puked, and it's scarred me for life. I haven't used that shit ever since.
Brita filters have a double action:

1. The activated carbon filter eliminates from tap water bad odor and taste of halogen compounds that chlorine makes with water.
2. The exchange ion resin lowers the concentration of calcium carbonates, accordingly softening tap water.

-wikipedia (exactly what i said)

so, how come most places say that you shouldn't drink soft water?

Let me google that for you

Buy brita filters.
Filter water.
Put water in a bottle.
Sell bottle of water.

(but seriously though brita rocks)
FACT: In certain parts of America, it's safer to drink the water from a pothole than the water from your tap.
i could have just quoted fourstar, but we posted at the same time

where you at in FL? south FL water isn't too bad; indian river water is the worst
and zephyr hills is a fucking SWAMP

im in tarpon springs, grew up in clearwater. so basically the tampa area. water isn't bad here, but i wouldn't drink tap water unless i was really thirsty and it had ice. i went to school in sarasota though and the tap water was horrid.
FACT: In certain parts of America, it's safer to drink the water from a pothole than the water from your tap.

Ignoring a few historical mishaps and some places with arsenic issues (which have most likely been resolved), care to elaborate on these places? I should add that well water doesn't count since that's its own risk.