[IRC Matters] The following people need a new router.


Veteran X
*** Quits: TF_BloodyShark (No@mask-EBE0A57.socal.res.rr.com) - [Connection reset by peer]
*** Quits: Rye (wirc@mask-314A8515.ph.ph.cox.net) - [Connection reset by peer]
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*** Quits: EPIK (EPIK@mask-31978188.kc.res.rr.com) - [Connection reset by peer]
*** Quits: Bitchsmack (asdlk@mask-E149236.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) - [Connection reset by peer]
*** Quits: GenoCideX (yodaddy@mask-217E4C42.chvlva.adelphia.net) - [Connection reset by peer]
*** Quits: bsmack|laptop (~bsmacklap@mask-E149236.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) - [Connection reset by peer]
*** Quits: Beener (blah@mask-1FFA39E6.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com) - [Connection reset by peer]
*** Quits: rich (rich@mask-11D016F8.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net) - [Connection reset by peer]
*** Quits: skwirl (skwirl@mask-1FBF89.stny.res.rr.com) - [Connection reset by peer]
*** Quits: TF_Fragger (kyle_easte@mask-3345337.nwc.acsalaska.net) - [Connection reset by peer]
*** Quits: Shark (Krash@mask-1EDFC396.gv.shawcable.net) - [Connection reset by peer]
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*** Quits: DwarfVader (Vader@386633A9.67E4A08C.77DB19B5.IP) - [Connection reset by peer]

Or anyone else that has a netgear *614* or *624*.

Until you buy a new non shit router, please begin connecting to irc.dynamix.com on port 5555 to avoid being knocked offline by any dumbass that wants to be stupid.
actually i think you don't need a new router. there is an option in the settings you can turn off

@Defenestrator... if you want to stop the exploit, go into your router and turn off the IDS
MojoBlue was just trying to raise awareness to the masses of the exploit. And thus doing so he was wrongfully banned for bringing attention to the matter. He should be un band and set free for his heroic actions.
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MojoBlue was just trying to raise awareness to the masses of the exploit. And thus doing so he was wrongfully banned for bringing attention to the matter. He should be un band and set free for his heroic actions.

OR we could ban you too.