Iraq won't use bio weapons: Blix

I was debating this with a friend at work today. The question is completely psychological (we were going on the base assumption he had deliverable chemical weapons available).

On one hand if war starts Saddam is done, no matter what. So in that regard he could use the WMD in the hopes it will buy him some time on the battlefield to pull off a miracle. He has 'nothing to lose' by using them.

On the other hand NOT using them would almost be a final 'fuck you' to Bush, because if he did use them he immediately gives Bush justification for launching the war in the first place. By not giving Bush the justification he is still out or dead, but Bush's cred is completely gone if the Iraqi's can destroy what stocks of WMD they have (if any) ahead of U.S. troops seizing them as proof.
Inquisitor[Inq] said:
The question is completely psychological (we were going on the base assumption he had deliverable chemical weapons available).