Iranian Women Defy Islamic Dress Code as Anti-Government Protests Sweep Nation

well this lil faggot watches cartoons for little when a terrorist says "I bombed you because of my religion" he's here to set things straight for us
Christian priests in Africa kill children because of their religion. Does that mean Christianity is inherently evil and should be eradicated from everywhere?
lol Muslims slaughter Christians wholesale in Africa and this dummy thinks it has anything to do with us

You're only making the case stronger for anti immigration laws. No Muslims. No Africans.

Look who the worst of the worst are in Gemrany and Sweden and France......African Muslims. Eradicate those fuckers.
Interesting. What about the millions of american and european Christians who never harmed anyone?
what about them?

oooooh wait you're trying to suggest that when people want islam eradicated, that they want everyone to be murdered...i keep forgetting you have the mental capacity of a 10 year old girl.

no sorry, i didn't mean mass genocide, i meant all religion is inherently stupid.

same way i feel adults that watch little girl cartoons "should" move on and grow up, i'm not about to force you to do anything. i'd qualify that as a waste of my precious time.
No, I'm trying to suggest that when there's two populations who share the same religion but behave completely differently, the religion is probably not the primary motivator for how they behave.
No, I'm trying to suggest that when there's two populations who share the same religion but behave completely differently, the religion is probably not the primary motivator for how they behave.
so when a terrorist says "I bombed you because of my religion" you're here to set things straight for us
Yes. That is the problem. Not the religion, not the skin colour.
You fail to realize that Islam is not just a religion but an ideology that encompasses everything about their daily life. Islam is total; this puts Islam into a totalitarian ideology, no different than that of Marxism or Judaism.

The Jewish religion has more laws than any other religion that i am aware of. That is almost all it is - laws, laws and more laws. Is it any wonder why Jews are over-represented as attorneys? Is it any wonder why the authoritarian Catholics used Jewish scripture that is filled with rules/laws to keep the people in check?

Islam has rules for just about every aspect of your daily life; it is not just a spiritual guide for the people who follow it but a way to live. It specifically states for the adherents to kill all the unbelievers or subjugate them and force them to pay a tax to live in their society. Show me where in the New Testament it says anything remotely similar to this? Don't quote Jewish scripture (Old Testament) as the O.T. is to be used as a preamble to the N.T. or a historical reference to how Christianity became to be.
so when a terrorist says "I bombed you because of my religion" you're here to set things straight for us
I feel like we've been here before. Have we been here before?

Religion makes for a great excuse and post-hoc rationalization for doing stuff. But the reason people blow themselves up or kill children is not because the religion tells them to. It's because they're uneducated, superstitious, or uncivilised, which makes them think that it's a good idea to blow themselves up or kill children. Educated, civilised people recognize that these are bad ideas regardless of what the religion says, and will find a way to rationalize why they aren't following their religion's instructions to the letter.
You fail to realize that Islam is not just a religion but an ideology that encompasses everything about their daily life. Islam is total; this puts Islam into a totalitarian ideology, no different than that of Marxism or Judaism.

The Jewish religion has more laws than any other religion that i am aware of. That is almost all it is - laws, laws and more laws. Is it any wonder why Jews are over-represented as attorneys? Is it any wonder why the authoritarian Catholics used Jewish scripture that is filled with rules/laws to keep the people in check?

Islam has rules for just about every aspect of your daily life; it is not just a spiritual guide for the people who follow it but a way to live. It specifically states for the adherents to kill all the unbelievers or subjugate them and force them to pay a tax to live in their society. Show me where in the New Testament it says anything remotely similar to this? Don't quote Jewish scripture (Old Testament) as the O.T. is to be used as a preamble to the N.T. or a historical reference to how Christianity became to be.
How many jewish people in the western world do you know who follow the old testament rules regarding killing unbelievers, stoning unruly children to death, or enslaving other jews?
How many jewish people in the western world do you know who follow the old testament rules regarding killing unbelievers, stoning unruly children to death, or enslaving other jews?
I admit, i am not a Bible scholar nor have i read the Torah so i am unaware of any Jewish scripture/law that states that Jews kill the unbelievers like it specifically states in the Quran.

I have also not heard of Jews stoning people to death but they do manage/control the worlds second largest open-air prison complex - Palestine, and treat the prisoners pretty harshly.

And slavery is something that the media rarely discusses unless it deals with the less than 2% of White Southerners in America that owned Blacks, yet somehow all White Americans are responsible so i dont know of any Jews keeping and holding slaves today, even though they controlled 90+% of the entire slave trade in the Americas.
ITT. Progressives attempt (yet again) to excuse islamic terrorism by creating strawman arguments about jews or christians.

I openly denounce any christian act that uses the bible as a basis for violence. This includes the white supremacists, abortion clinic bombers, cults, or any other activities that are unlawful.

Line forms here for any and all Muslims to do the same for their own religion.

I'll wait.
Hey Amadeus, are you a Muslim because you're a pedophile or are you a pedophile because you're a Muslim?
Okay so you dont want to be a pedo... I see, so u r a pedo because ur a muslim. It just goes with it, I guess.
Ok guys, guess I'm muslim now. Good to know.

Shall I also blow your mind with how technically pedophilia is not a matter of choice and isn't feasibly punishable?
Ok guys, guess I'm muslim now. Good to know.

Shall I also blow your mind with how technically pedophilia is not a matter of choice and isn't feasibly punishable?
No we actually expect that from you, so no minds will be blown.
Ok guys, guess I'm muslim now. Good to know.

Shall I also blow your mind with how technically pedophilia is not a matter of choice and isn't feasibly punishable?

blow our mind?

lol that's exactly what a pedophile that watches my little pony would say

since you are muslim, you should make a my little camel cartoon. would probably be a solid hit amongst the Muhammad pedo loving crowds.