iran just elected a muslim bernie sanders

People like SS are funny. Socialism supposedly kills hundreds of millions, but all the arms sales by capitalists doesn't mean capitalists kill anyone. What a dummy. Low IQ trash.
Yea a rather spurious or bs claim, as if Russia or China was really socialist. -SS- likes his labels though. For example VA spending is not considered military spending cause well, it's VA spending! hehehee. har har har har.

-SS- is not dumb or low IQ, but he is ideologically driven, his religion being capitalism. Hence the blinkers and cognitive dissonance/conformational biases he carries triple style.

He's probably a 20something kid doing Junior Achievement stuff. He'll learn. he'll grow, wisdom will be his, one day. :D

winner winner chicken dinner
holy fuk a positive comment! It's my lucky day!

I bow to the divine in you!
People like SS are funny. Socialism supposedly kills hundreds of millions, but all the arms sales by capitalists doesn't mean capitalists kill anyone. What a dummy. Low IQ trash.

true liberal form here

guns are to blame when nig nogs murder

capitalism is to blame when they run out of food

gubmts are never to blame

they are our only salvation he says (from ourselves)

that thing absent ironically can't take care of himself
tele has sunk so low he actually wants the us to supply arms to saudi arabia and further the globalist objective :lol:
u do realize that this is why we consider russia the bad guy right?

because without that narrative, BRICS vs. IMF, nobody would need to buy our weapons which makes up the majority of the deep state and coincidentally our largest export (+jobs)

glad to see kushner helping them get a better last minute deal though

winning is what u call this right?

as a capitalist i don't hate items as much as people. as much as their intent.

for u guys i know it is the opposite. mean words over mean actions, etc, etc