
Neither has Premonition...that's what the OP is getting at. They didn't kill Lich King but are doing Hard modes this week because apparently they got someone from JUGGERNAUGHT to open hard modes. Either way, you're thinking of Pure/Surlybeve like Mistake said. Ippon is Spike Flail.

For the record, who gives a fuck if they recruited someone to open hard modes. So much QQ on the forums about the stupidest shit. All these professional puggers talking shit on the forums about top 50 guilds like they know something.
I read that entire guilds are faction transferring just to get extra attempts on bosses

Having their attempts stolen or not, its pretty funny old school drama. Taking the moral high ground and pushing for Ensidia's ban, then turning around and doing this was a little unexpected. It's certainly not a bannable offense, and more clever use of the mechanics, but its realllllly shady.

Sebudai said:
Empyrea, who provided them hard mode access, was from our guild. He was promoted to full member just a few days ago. I put him in for Lich King-25 over one of our other mages simply because he had experience from the 10-man. Big mistake, apparently. Quite the eye opener though, especially from a guild I've done personal favors for. Lesson learned.

Sebudai said:
We killed Lich King at 11:00pm CST. Empyrea was on Sen'Jin 2 hours and 20 minutes later. Premonition was in contact with him the whole week, and they apparently interviewed and accepted him earlier that day. Now I don't know about you, but I think the proper thing to do when you've been accepted as an applicant to another guild, is to tell your current guild.

I was not born yesterday. Empyrea has real life friends in Premonition, and he knew full well they did not get a successful Lich King kill. The reason he did not tell us he had been accepted until after the fact is because he wanted to get in for our Lich King kill so he could provide Premonition hard mode access this week. As far as I'm concerned this is highly dishonest. I'll leave it at that.

At least Xav has a pretty tight leash around everyone to shut the fuck up right now, mostly.

I guess the only solace in all of this is that if Premonition does get server first HM kill, that mage won't get the title.
This is drama? This isn't the first time somebody was accepted to another guild without telling their current guild because they still want a raid spot for their last day and a shot at loot. The game is so boring at this point that people will spend days talking about this on the forums while waiting for their LFG queue to pop on their alt.

Where is the drama where the wife of the guild leader leaves him for another guild leader and takes the guild bank and his house and kids?
Having their attempts stolen or not, its pretty funny old school drama. Taking the moral high ground and pushing for Ensidia's ban, then turning around and doing this was a little unexpected. It's certainly not a bannable offense, and more clever use of the mechanics, but its realllllly shady

Shady indeed. Where was Seb quoted saying that? Can't find anything on their forums or forums in general.
So a player left a guild, transferred, and then joined another guild? Stop the fucking presses. Nothing in this expansion is worth stressing over, certainly not players in guilds that aren't your own. In a week or two nobody will even remember it ever happened, and in 8 months when people are still farming ICC because it's about the only content available they'll all reminisce about the day a mage server transferred to join Premonition. Damn that mage!