Internet Help [Please]


Veteran XX
I moved into my dorm about a month ago, and at first my connection was fine. Then gradually it turned to shit. It started with nights giving me small amounts of PL 1-3 or so. Then during the day i started to ping 300-400 to games but no PL. No noticable D/L speed decline during the day however. Now its to the point that i get 15 PL at night, and my D/L speeds drop to sub 20 kb per second, but my upload seems unphased.

I called my network help shit but they said something like "we guarentee internet not speed, no one else on floor has complained, do you have spyware!?!?!?!" Does anyone have any possible problems that could be from my end, besides spyware, which im fairly certain is not the problem. (month old computer, run microsoft anti-spyware every night)

The guy on the phone was fairly incompetent, so I was just wondering if TW had any ideas
I thought that too, but the connection becomes worse than 56k, and no one else appears to have problems/notice.
(also i can download from the in school network fine) its only from things off the network