[info] As if Wkipedia wasn't bad enough...

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Conservapedia is a much-needed alternative to Wikipedia, which is increasingly anti-Christian and anti-American. On Wikipedia, many of the dates are provided in the anti-Christian "C.E." instead of "A.D.", which Conservapedia uses. Christianity receives no credit for the great advances and discoveries it inspired, such as those of the Renaissance. Read a list of many Examples of Bias in Wikipedia.
Conservapedia makes a great effort to attack and discredit Wikipedia. Yet Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales welcomes Conservapedia.

I also think it's comical that the religous right (see believing in an invisible man, a burning bush that talks, and a red sea) would accuse anyone of not knowing what 'facts' are. :rofl: :lol:


Moses in 2.
OBJECTIVE: Anti-Occult


Dr. Troy Franklin, OBJECTIVE occult expert, has brought to our attention a disturbing new danger to weak-spirited Christians and unsaved persons that we feel needs to be reported.

As he tells it, while out at a local supermarket shopping for food for his cat, Dr. Franklin noticed one of those small tents advertising "Free Rock Chip Repair" that have been springing up in our nation's parking lots. Curious, he went to enquire about getting a ding in his windshield sealed, only to learn that the person manning the tent had other intentions, namely to try and recruit Dr. Franklin into a cult!

Fortunately, the good doctor has become quite immune to cultic recruiting ploys from his years studying their tactics, and thus he was able to extricate himself from the situation with his soul unharmed. However, those less skilled in their Faith -- and especially those of false faiths or no faith at all -- would have soon found themselves back at the cult headquarters doing all manner of unspeakable rites and blasphemies... or maybe even brainwashed into manning a tent of their own.

For the safety of your soul, do not be tempted by the lure of impulse rock chip repair from strangers in parking lots. It may say free, but it could cost you your soul! If you need your windshield fixed, go to a qualified Christian repair shop.


This can't be real.


Edit: Oh good, it IS a parody site. I was beginning to worry. :)
This is why I dont go with any religon since they turn a short (BROAD) one line sentence and turn it into rock-solid facts...

If we went by a book on everything in life, we would have buildings collapsing from poor research and scientific studies, people dieing in the hospital from lack of medication and surgery because the doctors was reading passages out of the bible instead of operating and religious wars because 2 or more sides don't believe in the same thing.
Wow. said:
Fox News
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Fox News was started in 1996 in response to the other cable news channels which all had obvious liberal biases. Because of this, Rupert Murdoch decided to start a real new channel which would tell the truth. The success of Fox news over every other news channel is because it is fair and balanced. [1] It has many people on it who work to spread truth such as Sean Hannity who is a great American. [2]. Fox News is best because instead of just telling you what to think, they only report the news unbiased and then allow the viewer to decide. [3].

In 2005 the White House selected Tony Snow from Fox News to be the new White House press secretary which was a great honor for Fox because it showed how well it was presenting the real truth instead of the fake liberal version. [4]

1. ↑ Fair & Balanced[1]
2. ↑ Sean Hannity[2]
3. ↑ We Report. You Decide.[3]
4. ↑ Tony Snow to be Named White House Press Secretary[4]

I don't see why they bother to site any of those "sources"