Indians scalp Adam Sandler

sandler's been around for a long time now. he must have known that something like this would happen

could it be a publicity stunt?
no, u no disrespectum me on set of comedy movie


Should cast guys like this, non-indian indians.

Maybe Vanster would like to be in a movie.
Lose the war, given more rights and handouts than anyone, given more self-governance than anyone, and still bitch over 100 years later.
i'll be waiting for tw's resident native american to comment before i form an opinion.
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He probably didn't get them liquored up enough. That's what you have to do with them injuns, or else they get cranky. Just look at how cranky Vanster gets sometimes.
i forget the term in psychology (its been years since a psych class)

but there is a term for when people make a "joke" and actually mean it to some extent, or it reverberates through the populace as being serious

ie racism wouldnt have lasted so long if it weren't 'funny'

and of u psych people know the term im talking about? i wish i could remember...