In Western New York we call soda just pop.

pop is gay.

soda is where its at. in texas i only hear soda and coke. coke is dumb tho, if i want a sprite i say "sprite" not "coke" at a resturant.

in cali i also called it soda, but i usually only ordered coke so thats what u heard me say...but coke meant coke, not soda in general
nobody in california or most of new york calls it anything but soda

see those are the civilised centers of america

and if you dont follow them then fuck you suck a dick and die
Flyersfan-PIE said:
anyone that calls it pop is a hick plain and simple

I agree for the most part, but all of Ohio says pop and I know a girl from Cleveland who says it. I wouldn't call Cleveland a bunch of hicks.
Dark|Dragon said:
I agree for the most part, but all of Ohio says pop and I know a girl from Cleveland who says it. I wouldn't call Cleveland a bunch of hicks.

cleveland is DEFINITELY a bunch of hicks...