In-Depth Review of I Am Number Four


Veteran XX
Twilight w/ Aliens instead of Vampires + a sprinkle of Blade lore and a dash of Dragonball Z = I Am Number Four.

It wasn't too bad but it certainly wasn't good either. Timothy Olyphant is awesome, but he didn't need to be in this movie. I Am Disappoint.

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Now give me your valued opinions of what's next in my movie queue.
Thor? X-Men? Green Lantern? Green Hornet? Super 8? Unknown? 13
Assassins? Water For Elephants? Cars 2?

Prefer action packed aliens testosterone explosions sans high school drama.

Man, I think someone really needs to combine all of the best elements of Gladiator (people fighting lions and Roman pedophilia) and combine it with all the best elements of Apollo 13 (catastrophe in the great unknown dark and Tom Hanks) into some kind of super movie that defies all description. A movie like that would trascend space and time, and watching it would be like staring at a minotaur fucking a unicorn in the middle of a supernova.

And its name will be Lion Fights In A Spaceship with Tom Hanks.

Special cameo by Jesus.
Twilight w/ Aliens instead of Vampires + a sprinkle of Blade lore and a dash of Dragonball Z = I Am Number Four.

It wasn't too bad but it certainly wasn't good either. Timothy Olyphant is awesome, but he didn't need to be in this movie. I Am Disappoint.

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I heard there were no black folks in this movie. I am interested.