I'm not saying don't have pickups.

Why? Because you're all such professional gamers playing a more "pure" version of LT as God intended? It's 2012. If you have Tribes and are in the only populated server, you deserve to play. If there are 16+ players play pub maps or maps that can handle more players like CCD LT and Untold. If there are 20+ players play base maps.

It's been sort of a joke since LT was released that "LT killed tribes." Well, I hate to say it, b/c I really enjoyed LT, but these 5v5 LT PUs are in a very real way killing Tribes. You're excluding anyone, including the really talented old school players that could be just a little rusty, who might like to play casually because if you don't currently play constantly or hang in IRC and Tribe Talk to make yourself known and recognized enough to be picked, you can't play a lot of the time.

If things don't change, you guys (the very serious LT players today like DarkPiece, Dare, opsayo, et al) are going to soon find yourselves unable to even scrape together 10 players for a 5v5.

this noob knows he talkin about, he has tribe passion. +rep
I've seen pu's form and there will still be 10+ players left in the other server. Usually the players left are close in skill level so you'd think they'd enjoy themselves more. This is clearly not the case since they usually end up all dropping without people who can carry their team. They add nothing to the game, most times they just make it worse.

I for one could care less if they stop playing the game. Pubs with people who have played the game for years and still have no idea wtf is going on and have no interest in learning can get bent. Naturally sucking is one thing, being completely oblivious to what's going on is a completely different story. Farewell scrubs.
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It's because I never got picked using Milk-Man. Even back then I thought I was better than a lot of players being picked. So I switched, didn't talk to anyone, and people recognized the play, not the name. Funny how that works.
who r these new guys willing 2 learn?

thumper u r spot on tho with your assessment.

and yes, most pubs r complete shit now a days, u know how i know that?

cus if i try i get top 2-3 every time. thats fucked up

none the less, i fuckin love tribe even tho i real bad lately

also i think gerbit might perma iff 2 some extent i will be requesting demos from him from now on to get 2 the bottom of this

he made some questionable shots on me playin stand D

gerbit, plz post demo of sh shitpu lastn ight


(fuk im drunk still btw)

ds pos:

cherio home
scum cap
thump cap
chimchanga LO ( i actually had chimcanga last night so it was kinda weird, chicken chimichanga so fukin good dam)
carp chase

gg lol gg lol gg lol gg lol gg lol gg lol gg lol gg lol gg lol gg lol gg lol gg lol gg lol gg lol
who r these new guys willing 2 learn?


i try to learn this game it is hard tho fuk

even with being a nub i am also getting worn out with pubs lately

i know im not the best in the world but the pubs are so unorganized it throws me out of the mood to play
team dont care about flag, or whole team go o or all in d 4 cappers n 6 cg whore chasing

u have to run around like a chicken wit no head trying to fill in all the gaps
no 1 want to do diff pos im guessing these are new age LT guys cuz people like jj, thumper, dare will play pos as needed
but if u join pub an wilder, kelo an gypsies on be then be is gonna have 3 cappers

so usually i am so strung out thru the day with all the shit pubs by time pu's come around at night i dont even wanna stick around cuz i know my chances of being picked are about 20% ne wayz
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i really miss competitive tribe days being on good clan ruling ogl
having weekly practices

i could only imagine the guts n glory of base n lt days of ladder
my shit mod was pretty sick ruling but we had many ladder type 2v2 an team etc
I've seen pu's form and there will still be 10+ players left in the other server. Usually the players left are close in skill level so you'd think they'd enjoy themselves more. This is clearly not the case since they usually end up all dropping without people who can carry their team. They add nothing to the game, most times they just make it worse.

I for one could care less if they stop playing the game. Pubs with people who have played the game for years and still have no idea wtf is going on and have no interest in learning can get bent. Naturally sucking is one thing, being completely oblivious to what's going on is a completely different story. Farewell scrubs.

well fuck you too
Tbh nothing has really changed in pubs - they've always been like this even back to 98

maybe the issue is 90% of players play the same way no focus whimsical adventure you come in and play one position and try and you'll end up on top

Issue is there's no competition beyond the pub aside from a few unorganized sporadic pickups. Pubs were always fucking around and trying new things (pretty much that way in most fps games aside from halo cause it's srs bzns).

What do i kno idk I am former cheater and older than old school