how the fuck does an electric shaver help? i tried it once and it irritated my skin so much more than a regular gillette razor.

i was thinking of getting a barber-style shaving blade. not sure what they are called exactly.
greeny said:
how the fuck does an electric shaver help? i tried it once and it irritated my skin so much more than a regular gillette razor.

i was thinking of getting a barber-style shaving blade. not sure what they are called exactly.

A straight blade.

You will cut up your face like nothing else if you've never used one before.
electric will help...if you are like me with ridiculously curly hair your face has hairs pointing all different directions and there is no way to shave in the right direction. You have to go agonizingly slow. I've started shaving my face with a straight blade and my neck with an electric because the electric doesn't irritate my neck at all. I wear ties 4 days a week, and if I shave with a regular razor my neck looks as disgusting as anything I've ever seen because the shirt rubs my neck all day.:scared:
Damascus said:
Alright, it's probably just because the climate change around here, but everytime I fucking shave I get some form of razer burn. I use a regular Mach 3 everymorning and in a matter of hours I get those damned red spots, itching and pimples under my chin and jaw line. It fucking SUCKS. I tried the wait 2 days between shaving thing, but my hair grows too fast for that.

So, my question is, would an electric shaver help? I've never used one before and wouldn't know which one to get. I'm just fucking sick and tired of looking like someone sandpapered my neck.

Pls teedub... HALP!1

Take my advie becuase I said so and know alot about shaving.

If you get burn with a Mach 3 then...dont use it! Just because in every commercial they say it's the best shave a man can get does not make it true, ever.

Get a sensor exel, no ands ifs or buts, just get one, shave after or during a shower only after you wash your face. Make sure the water is really hot so it will soften up your skin, buy Aveeno or Nivia Sensative shave gel(try Aveeno first). After you are done, only pat dry your face, never wipe. Use an aftershave balm(they dont have to smell or sting, in fact, most dont). and as always, shave sloooooowly.

Try different things, example. If you raise your head up and back to shave the neck you streach the skin out and get a close shave. Close shaves are more prone to causing bumps. Brang your face in twards the back of your neck and try shaving like that.

If you are going to shave in the morning, then the night before moisterize the shave airea.

If you still get bumps after all of this, witch I dout you will, then get a razor called "bump fighter." It's ok to use a razor made for black men. Not only will you be bump free but you will apprear PC when using it. If you still have problems get a pre shave oil. pre shave oil is generaly uneeded so only look into it as a last resort.

Dont go electric.
what the fuck, who spends an hour of their day shaving? Pre-moisturizing your face the night before? lol
greeny said:
how the fuck does an electric shaver help? i tried it once and it irritated my skin so much more than a regular gillette razor.

i was thinking of getting a barber-style shaving blade. not sure what they are called exactly.

Dont go straght from a cart type razor(mach 3, quatro, ect) to a straight razor. Invest in a DE razor(double edge, AKA safty razor). There is a learning curve. I have a DE and am still learning how to use it.
on saturday i went to brooklyn to go to a club in manhattan. i forgot to shave the night before, but i brought my razor and didn't have shaving cream. i shaved dry. it worked :) (hurt like hell though)
Jislan said:
what the fuck, who spends an hour of their day shaving? Pre-moisturizing your face the night before? lol

Yours truly :worried:

It doesnt take an hr though. I moisterize at night even I dont shave the next day anyway. The tips I gave dont take alot of time at all and they are good tips. Most people who give advice in shaving threads are fanboys of what they do, and they havent tryed anything elce.