Illegal immigrant tax returns

lol 'honor' system and free money

what are the theories behind not fixing this loophole? it doesn't seem hard to fix...
I don't think you guys know what tax loopholes are.

Tax loopholes are entirely legal ways to manipulate your taxable income or credits.

Frauding the IRS isn't a loophole. It is fraud.

A tax loophole is like what apple and other corporations did to lower their taxable income by funnelling money through various countries to effectively lower their tax rate.
They grow the U.S. economy. That's how you have to look at it, say the jews in charge. Everytime Maria Camila shits out another brown monster, she has to be driven to the hospital by Juan Carlos. That takes gas. That takes a vehicle. They have to buy those things. They have to be serviced at the hospital.

When Juan Carlos' son Roderigo takes part in violent gang warfare and kills another spic over turf, he bought that Tec 9 and the bullets from someone. He employed the PD, coroner and other ancillaries.

Divershitty is a great strength.

Don't forget the funeral industry. Mexicans love funerals. Jews control funerals.
I don't think you guys know what tax loopholes are.

Tax loopholes are entirely legal ways to manipulate your taxable income or credits.

Frauding the IRS isn't a loophole. It is fraud.

A tax loophole is like what apple and other corporations did to lower their taxable income by funnelling money through various countries to effectively lower their tax rate.

fine, fraud
y arent they trying harder to stop it?
That makes a lot of sense(No sarcasm). Why does California and other states have something called The Dream Act?

California DREAM Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hm? So that productive, college-bound undocumenteds brought into the country by their parents have an avenue to citizenship. The reasoning goes that they are here, whether we like it or not, they've grown up largely 'American,' and they can now either be integrated as productive citizens capable of making a living, paying taxes, etc. or can continue to live outside the system, which sucks for everyone.

The implementation in Cali blows, though.
local TV report out of Indiana highlights potential for billions of dollars of tax fraud by illegal immigrants

An investigative report from Indiana television station WTHR highlights what they call a “loophole” in the tax code which may be costing tax payers billions by enabling illegal immigrants to claim tax credits for children not even living in the U.S. I’ve embedded the video package below, but for those of you at work there is a good write-up on their site as well. Did I say “potential”?

Each spring, at tax preparation offices all across the nation, many illegal immigrants are now eagerly filing tax returns to take advantage of a tax loophole, using their ITIN numbers to get huge refunds from the IRS.

The loophole is called the Additional Child Tax Credit. It’s a fully-refundable credit of up to $1000 per child, and it’s meant to help working families who have children living at home.

But 13 Investigates has found many undocumented workers are claiming the tax credit for kids who live in Mexico – lots of kids in Mexico.

“We’ve seen sometimes 10 or 12 dependents, most times nieces and nephews, on these tax forms,” the whistleblower told Eyewitness News. “The more you put on there, the more you get back.”

The whistleblower has thousands of examples, and he brought some of them to 13 Investigates. While identifying information such as names and addresses on the tax returns was redacted, it was still clear that the tax filers had received large tax refunds after claiming additional child tax credits for many dependents.

The report goes on to highlight several of these returns, actual redacted tax returns, generating refunds in excess of $10,000. So it’s easy to imagine how these numbers could really add up on a national basis.

Even more outrageous than the report itself however is a statement WTHR received from the IRS after the story aired. See no evil, hear no evil?

The law has been clear for over a decade that eligibility for these credits does not depend on work authorization status or the type of taxpayer identification number used. Any suggestion that the IRS shouldn’t be paying out these credits under current law to ITIN holders is simply incorrect. The IRS administers the law impartially and applies it as it is written. If the law were changed, the IRS would change its programs accordingly. The IRS disagrees with TIGTA’s recommendation on requiring additional documentation to verify child credit claims. As TIGTA acknowledges in this report, the IRS does not currently have the legal authority to verify and disallow the Child Tax Credit and the Additional Child Tax Credit during return processing simply because of the lack of documentation.

Here’s the real problem and I’m not sure calling this a tax “loophole” is really the best way to describe it. As the law is written, it’s perfectly legal for non-legally resident aliens to file tax returns. It’s required actually. The law also makes no distinction between legal and illegal residents when it comes to claiming most tax credits and deductions. So under current law an illegal immigrant can claim the Child Tax Credit on their return, as pointed out by the IRS in their response.

So this scheme is actually legal? (Cue outrage). Well, not exactly. The IRS web site has a good summary of the eligibility criteria for the Child Tax Credit, but in order to qualify for this credit the child being claimed must be a U.S. citizen or green card holder, and must have also been a resident of the tax payers’ household for more than half the year (among other requirements). So an illegal immigrant claiming a tax credit for one or more eligible children born and living with them in the U.S. is perfectly legal. Claiming that a couple dozen nieces and nephews live with you in one house in Indiana when they actually live in Mexico? Not so much.

So there is plenty of fodder for outrage here, obviously, not the least of which is the seeming indifference to this problem on the part of the IRS. I gather from their response that there is no mechanism in place to verify the immigration or residency status of the children being claimed. Outside the course of a regular audit I assume. How many people residing in the U.S. illegally would ever even show up for an IRS audit? And if I were really cynical I would posture that knowing this, the IRS would not even bother to direct their limited resources towards verifying many of these returns.

I think it’s also important to note that there is no reason to assume that this type of fraud is limited to those residing here illegally. Given how it easy it seems to be to get away with this, I suspect the scope of this problem is much, much greater than this. While I don’t expect the GOP to place much emphasis on this between now and November, this should be one of the major arguments for tax reform. Rather than having a tax code riddled with loopholes such as this which enable those willing to break the law to take advantage of their fellow tax payers, why not have a flatter, simpler code which eliminates most if not all of these types of credits and deductions. And if the goal is really to provide income support to low-income families (and a refundable tax credit is just welfare in disguise), then it should be called what it is and should be enacted as part of legislation which includes a mechanism to prevent this sort of abuse from taking place.

(Cleaned up a couple of wording and grammatical problems after publishing)

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And how much would it cost the IRS to verify the citizenship/residency status of every child claimed on a tax return in the United States? Even if Congress did require the IRS to verify EITC status for everyone, you'd end up paying more to implement the requirement then you would save catching fraud.

And if you limit it to ITINs, you'll just drive illegals using this technique to steal SSNs. They'll have a higher risk of eventually getting caught, but in the meantime, lots of innocent Americans will have their credit history ruined.
I imagine the only ones who file tax returns will be the ones who are getting a net gain from filing thanks to various credits.

Seems kind of pointless to even let them file taxes at all. What was the thinking behind that?
I imagine the only ones who file tax returns will be the ones who are getting a net gain from filing thanks to various credits.

Seems kind of pointless to even let them file taxes at all. What was the thinking behind that?

Well, legal noncitizens are entitled to their tax returns. And the government overall makes a pretty significant profit by letting illegals get ITINs and pay taxes. Many illegals do so voluntarily in the hopes that immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship might someday actually pass, and a documented history of paying taxes will help them in the process. In 2007, for instance, illegals paid over $90 billion in social security tax, none of which will benefit them unless they do succeed in attaining citizenship.
Well, legal noncitizens are entitled to their tax returns. And the government overall makes a pretty significant profit by letting illegals get ITINs and pay taxes. Many illegals do so voluntarily in the hopes that immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship might someday actually pass, and a documented history of paying taxes will help them in the process. In 2007, for instance, illegals paid over $90 billion in social security tax, none of which will benefit them unless they do succeed in attaining citizenship.

I guess it really matters what the actual numbers are, which I dont know.

But on the same note, your figure of $90 billion paid into social security by illegals doesnt mean anything if they received that all back (and possibly more) in credits
fine, fraud
y arent they trying harder to stop it?

How many tax returns are filed each year?

2.8% of the total tax gap due to non-compliance is believed to be due to EITC (this particular method) as of 1998 while the IRS was spending 3.8% of their enforcement budget on EITC compliance and was requesting more as of 2003.

I guess it really matters what the actual numbers are, which I dont know.

But on the same note, your figure of $90 billion paid into social security by illegals doesnt mean anything if they received that all back (and possibly more) in credits

Why exactly are you focused on the illegal immigrant side of the story? Tax Fraud is tax fraud no matter who is doing it, and there are plenty of Americans who do.
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