I'll fuck your ass until you disappear!!!!! YOU DO NOT JOKE WITH MY MIGHT!

"A quick fix and a hot bath will take care of that."

That went right over her head. :lol:
ana i want to grab you

and shove half of my head into your vagina

and then stand up

and show everyone my sweet ana hat
Thank you for listening to my songs.
Did you listen to the songs in the videos? Those are also mine.

Unfortunately I don't play any instrument (my vagina isn't banging the drums either :lol:) but you can listen to Reborn which is my first song with music. I'm very grateful to Graves (musician) for having trusted in my talent and turned this song of mine into a potential hit. So thank you Mr Graves for recognizing my powerful voice when 70% of the people even doubted it was me singing.

As for drugs... I smoked weed for 20 years and got addicted to heroin for 16. I never used needles, I panic. I always smoked the heroin on foil.
I also used to drink 2/3 of a bottle of whisky everyday and very often my first meal was around midnight. A very heavy thing for my stomach.
But incredibly as it is those excesses never affected my intellect, I used them to stop the pain, emotionally.
In time I realized that not only I had experienced all those things before but I was also postponing my soul rehabilitation. Today I don't use drugs.



All those other songs suck compared to "To Be." Reborn was neat, but seems more like a good idea for a song than a good song. Keep doing the instrumentation tho. Please dont try to drum with the vag. Of course, if you do, please post video.

As for the drugs...

You must be really old to have been an addict for 16-20 years and to be sober now. :ftard:

All i know is your music could use either a return to drug use or better medications. Maybe mix some anti-anxiety shit with heavy lsd? Just a thought.

You need more pain in your music. Find it. Embrace it.

Blues without pain is empty. Bring the pain, bitch...

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Welcome to TW Ana.

I, among others, appreciate the musical contributions.

Please make yourself at home and don't let the clowns get under your skin.

I look forward to the entertainment you will surely provide.


Do you really mean that or are you just being cynical?

Sorry if you're not but I've realized that some guys here post a nice reply only to stab you from the back right after.

if you're being sincere, thanks for the strength

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Hello guys, I think it's time I create my own topic.
I haven't yet and I'm already a member here for some months now.

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