If I was a game designer...

you guys have to realize that what makes a game a great and fun game is in the details, not in broad generalizations. shit, nearly every early mmo game design plan has grand ideas like those listed in this thread... but then the majority get cut and nerfed for millions of reasons including logistics, practical nature, balance, difficulty, etc... (and of course the obvious real world issues as well).

example: i doubt skiing was even part of the original design docs, but thats what made tribes fun: the details.
Khushi said:
you guys have to realize that what makes a game a great and fun game is in the details, not in broad generalizations. shit, nearly every early mmo game design plan has grand ideas like those listed in this thread... but then the majority get cut and nerfed for millions of reasons including logistics, practical nature, balance, difficulty, etc... (and of course the obvious real world issues as well).

example: i doubt skiing was even part of the original design docs, but thats what made tribes fun: the details.
was my shit detailed enough for you? :D
eve would make a good base for a more action oriented mass multiplayer game

once we figure out how to get the general internet to be X times faster, games should kick an exponentially higher amount of ass
is it so much to ask to get a GOOD mmofps?

seems to me that's the next logical step in genre, but there's only been a few shitty attempts, planetside being the most successful of those

why don't they do it?
Hey Khushi.

How 'bout you stop shitting on my fucking thread?

Thanks, asshole.
if I was an MMO game designer:

1) I'd take the Total Annihilation approach and acheive game "balance" through excessive options, not designed limitations.

2) I'd tell the fan base to shut the fuck up and ban people who talked back. If the game was popular I'd win. If it wasn't popular I wouldn't chase anyone away who wouldn't leave at the next big flavor of the month.
sheex said:
is it so much to ask to get a GOOD mmofps?

seems to me that's the next logical step in genre, but there's only been a few shitty attempts, planetside being the most successful of those

why don't they do it?
sync issues and twitch monkey issues. go to fps and you have higher bandwidth needs (tho planetside managed those more or less okay...) and you have twitch monkey problems which limit your overall appeal.

what I'd like to see is fps-type MMO RPGs based off the same type of system as you find in morrowind/oblivian/deus ex/system shock 2.

but the biggest problem with those is how do you create repeatable, enjoyable game content without ending up in a DBZ syndrome camp fest...which I guess all MMOs end up as anyway.
cogzinofa said:
sync issues and twitch monkey issues. go to fps and you have higher bandwidth needs (tho planetside managed those more or less okay...) and you have twitch monkey problems which limit your overall appeal.

what I'd like to see is fps-type MMO RPGs based off the same type of system as you find in morrowind/oblivian/deus ex/system shock 2.

but the biggest problem with those is how do you create repeatable, enjoyable game content without ending up in a DBZ syndrome camp fest...which I guess all MMOs end up as anyway.
Explain - by camp fest, do you mean "waiting for loot dropping shit"? Easy way around that is to have nearly everything be player made, and have actual unique items that are hidden somewhere and dont spawn multiples :D
Excel said:
Explain - by camp fest, do you mean "waiting for loot dropping shit"? Easy way around that is to have nearly everything be player made, and have actual unique items that are hidden somewhere and dont spawn multiples :D
apparently eve does a good job in this department of not having to camp, farm, etc... at least not in the traditional mmo way. although i havent played it yet, but thats what i gather from those who have.
Data said:
I wouldn't need that kind of budget if I was working with a small enough team. Me on lead, 2 programmers, 2 artists (1 concept/skinner, 1 modeler), 1 sound designer, 1 writer/scripter. Everyone testing. Free open (truly open, none of this FilePlanet exclusive bullshit) beta test.

It'd take us the better part of a decade, but we could do it. :D

digital distribution or retail? monthly fee? "interns" or actual employees?

there's a mini-revolution happening in studios right now... people are going away from the 100 person, in-house team that always ends with layoffs and studio shutdowns. 10 person teams and an army of contractors = low overhead, less risk, more reward.
I'd say digital distribution initially, followed by a retail box product if a publisher was willing to pick us up for peanuts and let us maintain 100% creative control, and if there was a demand for it.

Monthly fee would be required for upkeep on a persistent world. That one's kind of a no-brainer.

The vision I have in my head is an EVE-like single "server" game world run on hundreds of servers in a farm. You'd need real employees to maintain that and put out the small brush fires that sometimes plague systems that large.

Of course my net code would be so devilishly efficient I wouldn't have to worry too much about load or bandwidth issues. :D

This is all terribly hypothetical, of course. I'm not a game designer and I couldn't code my way out of an IRC channel. :p:
I'd go for an FPS loosely based on Starship Troopers (the book). There would be significantly different (power armored) human and (maybe cyborg) bug teams, and there would be human v human or bug v bug gameplay as well as human v bug. The gameplay would vary a lot based on the map scripts and objectives - an all out orbital assault on a hive would play very differently to a last stand in an isolated base, for example. Human weaponry would be mainly futurisitic conventional - assault rifles, flamethrowers, shotguns, grenade launchers, miniguns and the like while the bugs would have energy weapons (if they had to use claws they'd never catch a guy with a jetpack).
if i was a game designer id make an animation engine based on AI and ragdolls.
even making an engine this way will eventualy reach a limit to having the same remembered animations but the randomness of it is what keeps a replay value.

games are not awesome by the graphics, animatins, or how many things you can do in a game. graphics get boring with the same old animatinos and if its really how many ways you can do everything then the game would continue to stay awesome.

i still love tribes2 only becuase of the large amount of cockiness in a server. I can be cocky as hell and back it up most of the time and its just funny. theres always someone that thinks hes everything and gets pissed off when he gets owned with ease. Sport in warfare is what makes it fun.

I want to make a game kind of like world of warcraft but more midevil and more violent. a crit death would mean decapitation or graphic impalement. better sounds, death sounds/cries, animations, world daylight realism with server time. more environmental interaction (aka more animations), more and better emotes, integrated fps style combat but only with melee weapons, first person ranged shooting for headshot and greater ranged attempts but not required for basic bodyshots at the basic range. etc..
If *I* were a game designer, I would first ignore virtually all creative input. Next I would fuck the marketing chick. Then, I would dictate policy and PR. Next, I would fuck the marketing chick again. I would then spam the internet with my glory, fuck the marketing chick (in the ass this time), leave my job, issue a Press Release titled "My Resume", and jump on the next "Sid Meyers game by: Rated z" title I could find. Then I would drop from sight and take a job with Namco.