If Colin Powell were running for President

Hell no! He was the only voice of reason in the last 2 years, but he has totally caved. He's a mouthpiece now. Sad.
rukkus said:
he'd get assassinated faster than you can say "aunt jemima on a pancake box".
I dunno, he'd have all the black guys on his side, most of the white guys, and I think between us we can keep a few racist assholes under control.

Now, if it was Al Sharpton, we'd have to start planning future sites for a new White House.
Polarbear said:
It would be easy for Powell to come back and say that circumstances have changed and he believes that he could now serve the country and get away with it. I was just wondering if there are other people like me who would like a person with a strong moral compass and the appropriate experience to run. Someone better than the existing choices.

I'd vote for Powell in a fucking heartbeat.
Thingfish said:
Hell no! He was the only voice of reason in the last 2 years, but he has totally caved. He's a mouthpiece now. Sad.

True, but I think he caved because of his sense of duty. He's lost a lot of credibility, but he still has more in my book than any of the assclowns cavorting on the stage at this point in time.
Powell sold his soul to satan when he went to the UN with that bullshit dossier on Iraq, but i still like his style.
If powell would run, honestly, I think I would join his election campaign. He seems very down to earth, but at the same time is extremely intelligent. He's got good personality (from what I have seen on TV), and has a strong background of leadership.
It's really a shame that working for G.W. has altered his status, to a point. I still think he is a very upstanding individual, even if he has made some mistakes in the past.
Powell/McCain - McCain/Powell is my dream ticket. It's too bad they would never win the primaries. =[
Decepti|<on said:
colin powell vs hillary in 2008 would be the best election ever

black man vs woman

No one in their right mind would vote that cunt for President. It would have to be a better woman.
I would vote for Powell/McCain. McCain is so hot-headed that nobody would dare assassinate Powell.
He has political skills, undoubtedly, but you have to wonder what kind of shit the Dems would dig up on him. I know I wouldn't want those mud-slingers to fuck around in my personal history & the skeletons in my closet aren't even that bad.
I think that is what he wants to avoid.