If an escort sucks your dick is it cheating?

aspie thoughts

it's amazing the excuses an aspie can come up with to justify behavior

Asperger's Syndrome stopped being a thing more than 10 years ago. The only people still using the term are old, ignorant, or both.
mental retardation "stopped being a thing" like 30 years ago when it became "cognitively different" but that didn't stop ppl from being retards u kno
aspie thoughts

it's amazing the excuses an aspie can come up with to justify behavior

:shrug: if you read “Enron: the smartest guys in the room” or watched the documentary you’d recall this was how one of the enron execs hid his affairs with strippers from his wife.
mental retardation "stopped being a thing" like 30 years ago when it became "cognitively different" but that didn't stop ppl from being retards u kno

I'm not defending psychology, because it's not science. I'm saying that the DSM dropped that term more than 10 years ago. If people want to keep using it, that's fine.
What exactly is the difference between an 'escort' and a hooker? The escort expects dinner? hangs around longer?