idiot with dual monitor


Veteran XV
i want to set up the following
Any sound generated in desktop A (monitor A) will go out from my headphones. Any sound generated in desktop B will go out from tv's speakers.
Even better, I can assign sounds from a particular application to go out from any specific speaker.

Is this setup possible?

If so, how? What do I need to buy?

Thanks a lot.
pretty sure you need another sound card to do this

that or only run one or the other at a time, and use a T connector from your sound output to your headphones and your tv. (I do this as I have my comp connected to my tv and stereo, but when I watch tv I turn my stereo off, and vice versa)
The only way to have it on seperate channels is by right clicking speaker icon -> playback devices, click on your TV speakers and open Hulu, porn, whatever floats your boat, then change it back to your computer.

There now you have it.

Edit: Someone who has some programming knowledge could make something that could make this process alot easier, and if anyone does please let me know, constantly having to switch back and forth all the time is extremely annoying. Also I wish my resolutions would stay the same when I turning my monitors on/off. My thanks to you Microsoft! :fu:
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is this all off one pc?

might be possible, but not without some crazy audio card/drivers/software

can you explain why you even need this to happen? i'm sure there is an easier solution if you present your actual needs and reasoning
The last two motherboards I've had with Realtek HD audio could do this, but only if the application lets you specify which device to output to, instead of just directing everything to System Default. There is an advanced option in the Realtek HD control panel for multiple input/output, and it effectively treats the front panel connectors as a separate soundcard.

Winamp and Ventrilo can do it, as will most other multimedia applications, but things like Firefox that output sound just go to System Default.

I don't think there are any applications that will adjust the settings for another application to change the output though. You wouldn't be able to drag a window from A to B and have it automatically adjust.
I did something similar to this. I had my computer set up to play mp3s through my headphones, and all the other sounds like beeps and shit went through the main speakers.

I have no fucking idea how though.

I had 3 monitors on that system though, so maybe you need one more.
You need either two sound cards or a sound card with different channels. Then, in the programs you have in one monitor set the output to one channel/card and in the programs you use in another monitor set the output to the other channel/card. I don't know of any way to link which monitor is displaying the program to which channel/card outputs the sound.
If your mobo has a S/PDIF output you could hook a set of speakers up to it, and plug your headphones into the regular jacks, then just turn down the volume of which ever one you're not using.
I've done this before.

I had my speakers setup through my sound card for watching movies/playing games. When I was using a voice program, I'd have that come through my headphones while the games kept using the speakers.

It's just a matter of telling what programs you want to come through one or the other speaker.