I'd like an opinion on this digi cam


Veteran X

I know it's an HP, but let's consider the following factors
a) It's got a 5Mpix sensor and an 8x optical zoom
b) I can get 20% on this price
c) I can get a 350$ mail in rebate on top of this discount
d) Although it's an HP, the lens it uses is made by Fuji

Taking all of this into account, I'm still wondering wether it's worth it considering the fact that HP is still HP and that Fuji has had some serious reliability issue on it's lower end models.

I'd really like to hear from people who have used it some.

my friend had the 8x one and the viewfinder on it busted after about a month. Not sure if he was being rough with it or the thing just died but he had to go get it repaired.

edit: 8x not 10x
A buddy that works with me has that one, he loves it , specially the feature when you put your eye close to the view finder the lcd shuts off automatically...weird but he's crazy about that