IBN is back


Veteran X
As some of you may or may not know, WOFN was shut down by its head hanchos earlier today. It couldn't compete with RL issues and such. Since I still want to cast and what not, I'm opening IBN back up for business. I already have my original managerial crew back and some new fresh faces. Stop by #IBN and idle. <3 We'll be on-air shortly.
wofn was shut down? well, that was quick :p

did wofn even explore its options at getting contracts from people like CPL or sponsors to be hired for fulltime positions?
Well if this news about WOFN is true, I must say i'm really dissapointed to hear it.

I was under the impression that they were doing quite well. What happened?
Tribalwar's October 9th update said:
Almost a year ago we started up WOFN, now the leader in Tribes-related Shoutcasting. We had a lot of high hopes for WOFN, and thanks to the excellent work of the WOFN staff we're proud to see those dreams have become reality. We know we can look forward to some historic and memorable casts from WOFN when Tribes: Vengeance competition hits its stride in the next few months.
That's just mean Thriky.
*shaking me finger atcha*
No need to rub it in.
I'm sure some folks are less than thrilled with whatever happened.