I watched Contact in my Marine Science class....

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2/3 of students trying to enter CSE major do not get in.

unfortunately i have a feeling i may be one.

im looking into Marine Science or Zoology tho....that shit is cool.
scy7he said:
Why the hell would we watch contact in Marine Science? Why not the Abyss?

Oh well, i love contact.
I watched The Dead Zone in my High School English class once--I saw a dead girl's boobie in it too! :eek:
Bodom said:
2/3 of students trying to enter CSE major do not get in.

unfortunately i have a feeling i may be one.

im looking into Marine Science or Zoology tho....that shit is cool.

i got a scolarship for marine science and i didnt take it.. i regret it..

btw... there is NO $ in marine science
The book compared to the movie sucked. Contact is up there as a all time favorite movie for me. The book had like six people going at the same time instead of one. It was the sucky.
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