I think a woman is right for once

yep i am a poor man plz feel bad 4 me i am discriminated against in this cruel world
"Fortunately, there is good news: women have the power to turn everything around. All they have to do is surrender to their nature – their femininity – and let men surrender to theirs."

yeah, like that's going to happen.

i always said that the women's rights movement fucked everything up. just like adam and eve, the bitch is always fucking things up.
:lol: a woman expert on women's gender role in mariage telling women to get back into the kitchen.
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and of course, the twitters of that article are nearly all feminist assholes freaking out about it not being politically correct. FUCK POLITICALLY CORRECT! you fuckers need to start hearing truth, not political correctness.
really attractive women that are also intelligent scare the shit out of me. why do they get both?
y do women get 70 cent on the dollar compared 2 men

men more so than women:

1 men work in a field of technology or hard sciences. (computer sciences, engineering…) which pay more money
2 Work in a field that is hazardous for at least 2 or more years in a lifetime which pay more money
3 men work more over time than women
3,5 Work in an “exposure profession” which exposes you to the elements. only 4% of construction job are women
4) Work in a field in which you cannot psychologically “check out” at the end of the day.
5) Work in a field that is less fulfilling than a field you would choose to work in if you won the lottery.
6) Work in a job that requires you to take considerable financial & emotional risks.
7) Work the worst shifts during the worst hours. (Midnight-5/6/7am in the morning).
8) Work in a field that requires constant upgrading.
9) Work in a subfield that increases the probability of these previous 8 characteristics.
10) Work more than 40 hours a week.
11) Work more than 60 hours a week.
12) Have more than 20 years experience in current occupation.
13) Have more than 10 years of uninterrupted experience w/ CURRENT employer.
14) Worked 51 or 52 weeks last year.
15) Were absent less than 2 days last year.
16) Commute more than 25 miles (round trip) to work each day.
17) Live in a city you do not wish to live in, b/c you are required there by your employer.
18) Travel more than 5 days a month in your job.
19) VP or above working in a bottom line position contributing directly towards your companies profits & losses.
20) With a company or organization w/ more than 1000 employees, & your responsibilities are national.
21) Paid on commission.
*The average full time working man works an average of 3 hours more than the average full time working female. (This fact alone accounts for 70% of the pay gap difference.”-Dr. Warren Ferrell PHD.
*Never married men w/ no kids earn 85% of what never married women w/ no kids earn when education, income & age are controlled for.”-Dr. Warren Ferrell PHD. (This was 30 YEARS ago when the pay gap was $.56 on the dollar. Today, the pay gap is $0.70 on the dollar).
*There are over 90 fields in which women earn more than men.
*There are 39 very large fields in which women out-earn men by at least 5% (ie investment bankers, Dental hygienist…)
*Never married women who have never had children make 117% what never married men who haven’t had children make
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yeah, that whole boohoo i'm a woman and i get paid less bullshit is getting old.
if women really got paid 70 cent on the dollar as a result of sexism and corporations were getting away with it on the mass scale that feminists say is happening why dont all employers only hire women and save money
someone in TW once posted a parody music video about women being lesbians or feminists, telling them to stfu and go to kitchen. Can't remember the name of that vid