I passed my fundamentals of engineering exam

Yea me too.

I just don't like the sound of another 8 hour test of engineering questions.

The test is like if you opened up every book of the classes you've taken and went to the chapter review section of each... How the fuck am I supposed to remember that stuff?

The first 4 hours were "general" and had chemistry and shit on it. I was actually surprised how happy I was to do some fluid dynamics, pressure vessels, etc etc in the ME section for the second 4 hours.
Still not funny Bew

I'm not sure why you're angry. FE exam is easy and something like 95% of people pass it here. I mean you get an entire textbook of equations and most of the problems don't require any detailed analysis.
Not angry at all. I don't see a problem with being happy that I passed an 8 hour test that is part of the process of getting my PE license.

A friend of mine did not pass it and I just feel bad for him because that feeling has to be terrible.

I apologize these things are so elementary to you Bew.
how does the whole engineering profession work

i know nothing about it. do yall niggaz make big $$$ right away or does it take some time
they should make a decent amount of money. in college the engineering kids were the most stressed/worked the most... even a lot more than pre-med

they literally had no life
how does the whole engineering profession work

i know nothing about it. do yall niggaz make big $$$ right away or does it take some time

A girl that just graduate this quarter was telling me she got offers from three companies.

The smallest amount was for 57k and was a small company in northern Ohio.

The largest amount was for 80k by Dow Chemical in Texas.

This is with a degree in mechanical engineering.

It depends what engineering you're going into and what specifically you want to do. You can make good money but it's not always a sure thing.
they should make a decent amount of money. in college the engineering kids were the most stressed/worked the most... even a lot more than pre-med

they literally had no life

That doesn't necessarily translate into $$$ though. A good salary for an engineer would be the high 5 figures, with the top being in the low (low) 6's.

I overheard a grad student talking the other day, and when someone asked him why he got an engineering degree, he said, "I'm afraid of girls and I wanted to suffer."

That pretty much sums it up!