I just watched Legacy

Halo 3 is "easier" to get into and play hence the perceived notion that it better or more fun. We all know once you "get" Tribes nothing compares.
No video game will ever be able to recreated the thrills, fun and adrenaline-pumping excitement that I had when playing Tribes. Didn't matter if it was 1 or 2, I never had such fun playing a game in my whole life.

Enough fun to make it out for 4 UVA's when I live in Texas. Fun enough to play everyday since I was 14 until I was around 20. Fresh enough because someone was always making a new mod or hud to improve something so old.

It was a great game, and it will remain unrivaled to me for a very long time.

Probably until a newer fresher technology comes out beyond the computer that you can play games on.
tribes is only dead because the stubborn ass community killed it and refuses to revive it for whatever reason.

frankly im tired of these 'whaaaaaa i miss tribes' threads people make, if you miss it pick it up and play it again, i still play tribes almost daily.
id play tribes all fucking day and use halo 3 as a coaster but............. halo 3 is what everyone plays :( if tribes had that many people and was competitive then id be game...but it isnt any more
tribes is only dead because the stubborn ass community killed it and refuses to revive it for whatever reason.

frankly im tired of these 'whaaaaaa i miss tribes' threads people make, if you miss it pick it up and play it again, i still play tribes almost daily.
But, but... that takes effort. :(