I just watched Bad Santa

fucking a thanks for reminding me, i watched this movie but the dvd from netflix stopped working when
- but after than i didnt see the last 5 min i was pissed, so now i'm going to re-rent it
a cursing santa is funny at first but with absolutely no creativity (imo) the movie stopped being funny about 10 mins into it.
santa cursing at kids
midget cursing at kids
santa dry humping an underage girl

what's there not to enjoy?
The first 5 minutes of the film made it worth the price of admission.

everything after that was just a bonus

I give it 2 p in da b's
ya i wasn't expecting much when i rented it... turned out to be pretty funny
the little dwarf pretending he couldn't jump up to put on the jumper cables so he could get the black guy to do it was funny... never trust those fuckers
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