I just want to know how many of you play ET

how the shitting shit could you just play the standard et maps

thats why i stopped playing et for the most part, because the same 6 maps over and over again were just stupid
i'm going to plug Yellow's server (he posts from time to time)

Locked Box ET east

honestly one of the best i've played on, and not just because i get a 19 ping
I play ET as well.

Temple 2 is a decent map. Hard to get across the bridge, but once you do, the allies kind of steamroll it.

Resurrection is an interesting concept, but I don't think it's that great of a map.

Carnage canyon is fairly decent, although seems to be a 10 or 12 vs size map. And so far I've only played it with at most 6 v 6.

I've heard Flughafen and Greece are amazing, but I haven't got a chance to try them yet.

Trainyard just sucks ass.
I'll be around tomorrow. #{zer0} on irc.gamesnet.net and I should be in #elemental on tribes irc tomorrow as well.

Look for Innerva
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eM.Einsteinium said:
I'll be around tomorrow. #{zer0} on irc.gamesnet.net and I should be in #elemental on tribes irc tomorrow as well.

Look for Innerva
Another person with the good sense to use GamesNet :bigthumb:

:wave: from #zif #madpack and #gogogo
i love Et, best game ever

is there somewhere to dl the new maps without doing the auto download when you join a server?
I've been trying to play ET for a week since trying it at a LAN last weekend. My damn comp won't connect to the internet because I fucked with the settings at the LAN :(

Damnit, I know I'm missing something simple to.
I've got a small ET division of nCn going right now. Trying to find a couple other competent players to fill out the roster so we can be active in the TWL 8 v 8 ladder. Give me a shout in IRC if interested ;o

Haven't tried many of the new maps yet.