I just got an electric bill for $620

Yes, AC. This was the hottest month ever recorded for this city. I guess setting the AC to 78 was a bit too low =(
PJ said:
High? Obviously not, we just got a $620 electric bill.

Umm, i doubt you would see a huge difference in your bill if you set your AC to, say 68.

But im no electrician.

The ACs in my house are all set around 68-70.
I don't use my AC... ever. Even using it for a day or two guarantees a ridiculous bill... I just sweat it out with fans.
Our AC is set to 60... All the time.

Our Electric bill only goes up about 10-12 bucks a month due to it. ENERGY STAR COMPLIANCE IS YOUR FRIEND.
78 degrees is like having no AC, either you have faulty equipment plugged in or you keep changing the temp, variability is what makes it suck the juice
That's pretty retarded. We run 4 window units in a 6k sq/ft house at like 65-70 and the bill goes up like 20$ max in NY.

Living in FL where I ran my air condition non stop in my 1k sq/ft apartment at like 70. I don't think I had a bill over 100$.

So somehow unless you are living in a mansion or running everything you own in your house 24/7 that is largely impossible and you should call and complain.
its a good thing PJ lives with his parents in their basement huh... no bill for him.
Agreed, I think you may have gotten fucked over by some construction guys or your neighbour is using your juice. No way it should be that high.