i have to take a hair drug test how do i pass?

©ritter said:
You will need the following items:

1 Large salad bowl. <the large silver ones preferably>
1 Bottle Shampoo
1 Bottle Conditioner
1 Bottle Peroxide

Dump Shampoo, Conditioner, and Peroxide all in the bowl. Add water to fill to the top.

Wash your hair, rinse, wash , rinse. Keep repeating until ALL of it is gone[/COLOR=blue][/FONT=times new roman]


you got computer skillz yo
People amaze me you signed an aggrement when you went to work with these people. It is not there fault you didn't read or just didn't care so either quit,fail and get fired or just die. Good Luck.
You do realize that going to concerts and things where you would inhale maurijuana smoke without actually going out and toking up will register on a hair test. You might want to say you've gone to a lot of concerts like that and opt for a urine test which would be much easier to pass

Other than that, hair tests are pretty tricky, I have never heard anything about the shampoo but I'd be skeptical of 20 dollar shampoo beating a somewhat widely used testing method
I think Aestis has the best so far.

I would also try the tomatoes, because maybe somehow a remedy like one posted will make it not so obvious that you smoke, and its sort of 'borderline.' In which case the 'I go to stoner concerts' excuse would work, imo. But I'm not sure how they work, if its just a 'positive' or 'negative' deal, it may be tougher to pull off.

But if you're jammed, I would opt for the excuse that Aestis suggested, as it's highly believable and pretty realistic :/
Absolut said:
I think Aestis has the best so far.

I would also try the tomatoes, because maybe somehow a remedy like one posted will make it not so obvious that you smoke, and its sort of 'borderline.' In which case the 'I go to stoner concerts' excuse would work, imo. But I'm not sure how they work, if its just a 'positive' or 'negative' deal, it may be tougher to pull off.

But if you're jammed, I would opt for the excuse that Aestis suggested, as it's highly believable and pretty realistic :/

Or he could even say he lived with roommates that smoked pot.

Hair tests will register trace amounts like that, while piss tests generally won't.
Yeah. "My room-mate smoked pot sometimes and I didn't like it so I moved out last month. I didn't know that would register on the test, I guess I should've gotten out sooner."

You're gold.
I agree that it is sort of an invasion of privacy, but not if the company is going to pay for your mistakes if you get caught or in trouble involving drugs. Therefore, if you're relying on anything from the corporation, they've got the right to make sure that their benefits aren't being overstretched or abused because you're doing illegal activity.

It's not really cool, but when you think about it, it's fair. Just beat the test. ;)
I think a more fair way would be to test on an as needed basis as most companies do now. i've never worked at a place that does random tests, but i've worked at many places that do tests when you have an injury. or if you come in one day and really look/act fucked up, then they can have you tested. but just testing radomnly or as a prerequisite for employment is b.s.
if i have a company, i want to know that my employees are clean and won't be high on the job - drug tests are a way to help determine that (obviously not 100%). if you want to do drugs, that's fine, but don't expect me to hire you.
JuggerNaught said:
I think a more fair way would be to test on an as needed basis as most companies do now. i've never worked at a place that does random tests, but i've worked at many places that do tests when you have an injury. or if you come in one day and really look/act fucked up, then they can have you tested. but just testing radomnly or as a prerequisite for employment is b.s.
Yeah great idea! Let's wait until a truck driver actually KILLS someone when they are under the influence of a controlled substance, then test them. Why bother trying to prevent the accident? If it's going to happen, it's going to happen. Use your head Juggernaut.
wsup! said:
if i have a company, i want to know that my employees are clean and won't be high on the job - drug tests are a way to help determine that (obviously not 100%). if you want to do drugs, that's fine, but don't expect me to hire you.

traces of marijuana can stay in your system for up to 6 weeks.

there is no way in hell that a joint from 6 weeks ago has any bearing on your actions today. Its a pretty far stretch to say that a joint smoked yesterday has any bearing on what you do today
marijuana is illegal... i don't want someone that smokes weed to get arrested and make me waste my time finding another employee.
and do you think that because they smoked a joint yesterday that they are somehow setting off an imaginary weed alarm someplace in the city? do they now glow because they smoked a joint so that everyone around them, including the police knows they're buzzed? how would they get you in trouble?
honestly, i don't fucking care if you ^toke^ in your spare time, but if an employer wants clean people, he has a right to that. it doesn't matter if you smoked it a day ago or six weeks ago... if it's still somehow in your system and/or can be detected, then he shouldn't have to let you work for him. you don't have the right to work for his place of business - he can pick and choose as he pleases..
wsup! said:
honestly, i don't fucking care if you ^toke^ in your spare time, but if an employer wants clean people, he has a right to that. it doesn't matter if you smoked it a day ago or six weeks ago... if it's still somehow in your system and/or can be detected, then he shouldn't have to let you work for him. you don't have the right to work for his place of business - he can pick and choose as he pleases..

my point is...what is the difference?

i would lay money that a good 85-90% of the peeps that pass pre-employment piss tests every day are just clean for that day. there is a lot of peeps that smoke, maybe just on the weekends or whatever, but they are still 'dirty' to a piss test...and amazingly they can still function at work and do their jobs.
if they pass, they pass - you can't catch everyone, it's just another way of screening people to see if they fit the bill. an employer has a right to not want drug users/abusers work for him, regardless of how well they may function.
wsup! said:
if they pass, they pass - you can't catch everyone, it's just another way of screening people to see if they fit the bill. an employer has a right to not want drug users/abusers work for him, regardless of how well they may function.

you're not hearing me.

many people that 'fit the bill' are smoking. so if you're screening because somehow people who smoke 'dont fit the bill'....well how does that justify the testing when you've got peeps doin the job that DO smoke?