I have a question about firefox


Veteran XX
I just downloaded firefox 2 recently and its awesome but I need some help here.

In Internet explorer when you click on a link, it changes color (red for me) so that I can tell whether or not I clicked that link before.

When I click a link in firefox it does not change color and sometimes I end up clicking the same link again by accident:(

Is this feature lacking in firefox 2 unlike IE7?
er.. what?

this is more relating the style sheet in a given webpage. i.e on TW all links are the same before and after you click them.
:shrug: works for me, I dunno.

I can't imagine it being changed for any reason, but if you type about:config into the address bar, you can see (and set) all the variables the program uses. there's "browser.visited_color" in there that determines what color to go to.. but it seems more likely that it's not updating links as being visited, rather than just not setting them to the right color..

Did you try refreshing the page? I'm not certain that it adjusts the color immeditately.. might need to reload it to reflect its updated status?