I dun a bad, bad thing...

FngrBANG said:
The mushrooms went into the oven in stage 2. They're not pizza-cooked, but they're not raw either. They "melt" with the cheese.

The beer was a Texas tradition. Meeler lite.
that works with the mushrooms, sauteed woulda been awesome... but such a delicious lookin sandwich, topped off with a miller light? SADFACE
You want to know wwhats a really good and simple sandwich? An RBCC, roast beef and cream cheese. Take a nice hoagie, stuff a bunch of roast beef in it, cover the RB with cream cheese and bake it.

So very good.
cream cheese can be baked?

also, I will be making one of these sammiches as soon as I find a cheesy jalepeno bread supplier that deals in bulk.
I have a pan sitting next to me that I just took off of the skillet. Delicious tilapia with lemon AND pepper (not mixed, but fresh lemon + freshly ground pepper) sauteed in olive oil, and fried with tomatos.

I can take little bits of it with my fork, and press them into the pan, and they sizzle so delightfully.

Just one of the many benefits of having a home office.

But I didn't cook enough, god damnit. I'm halfway done as I type this ...