I dig Steve Buscemi.


Veteran X
So I was at Starbucks downstairs from my office (in the Chelsea district of Manhattan) and I saw Steve Buscemi. This in and of itself was a pretty cool start to my day but it also reminded me that he rocks, and that he will always improve a movie.

Plus, he was in Reservoir Dogs, The Big Lebowski and Fargo -- three excellent films.

Buscemi trivia :

- Showed up at his old firehouse the day after the World Trade Center tragedy in New York to volunteer. Worked twelve hour shifts for a week after the terrorist act, digging through rubble with his old comrades looking for missing firefighters... anonymously.

- Stabbed in the throat, head and arm during a barroom brawl at the Firebelly Lounge in Wilmington, NC. The brawl also involved Vince Vaughn.

- Has appeared in 5 Coen Brothers films, his characters died in three of them

Show some :heart: for Steve Buscemi. I think he rocked in Ghost World. What's your favorite Buscemi flick?

Reservoir Dogs and Fargo are my favorite two films with him in them. But he sure can make an otherwise shitty movie slightly less shitty (Armageddon.)
Baby, baby, I've been so sad since you've been gone
way back to New York City
where you do belong
Honey, I missed your two tongue kisses,
legs wrapped around me tight
If I ever get back to Fun City, girl,
I'm gonna make you scream all night.
Honey, honey, call me on the telephone,
I know you're movin' out to Hollywood
with your can of tasty foam
All those beat up friends of mine
got to get you in their books
And lead guitars and movie stars
get their toes beneath your hook.Yeah! You're a star fucker, star fucker, star fucker, star fucker, star
yeah, a star fucker, star fucker, star fucker, star fucker, star,
a star fucker, star fucker, star fucker, star fucker star.Yeah, I heard about you Polaroid's,
now that's what I call obscene,
your tricks with fruit was kind a cute,
I bet you keep your pussy clean.
Honey, I miss your two tone kisses,
legs wrapped around me tight.
If I ever get back to New York, girl,
gonna make you scream all night.Yeah! You're a star fucker, star fucker, star fucker, star fucker, star
yeah, a star fucker, star fucker, star fucker, star fucker, star,
a star fucker, star fucker, star fucker, star fucker star.Yeah, Ali McGraw got mad with you
for givin' head to Steve Buscemi,
yeah, and me we made a pretty pair,
fallin' through the Silver Screen.
Honey, I'm open to anything
I don't know where to draw the line.
Yeah, I'm makin' bets that you gonna get
(you man) before he dies.
(John Wayne)Yeah! You're a star fucker, star fucker, star fucker, star fucker, star
yeah, a star fucker, star fucker, star fucker, star fucker, star,
a star fucker, star fucker, star fucker, star fucker star.
now, I like MJ and all, but I might have to support a ban for posting a first message about this and not coming back to tell us if she actually talked to him or not.
No, I didn't talk to him. He was just getting a coffee and minding his own business. Seemed rude to start a conversation with him.

He basically looked like a normal guy except he has such distinct features that I looked at him twice. Then he walked by me as he left the store and there was no doubt that it was him.

And no, I don't find him attractive. I just think he is a good actor that can definitely make a movie better.