I bet the minorities will bitch about RoTK

Chikaze said:
What are there...12? 15 books?

When they get to the Dragon Reborn books, they shouldn't make a movie. They should make a 26-season tv series. (52 hrs per book. Sound right?) :redblob:
Well if you cut out the sniffling, braid tugging, and dress smoothing it'll about a brisk 20 minute episode per book.
It is kind of funny that there isnt a single non-white person in the main cast.

But then, it would be just as funny if Gandalf looked like Magic Johnson.
its a regional movie. its just like how there naturally arent darkies in scandinavia. middle earth doesnt have them either. but those to the east and south do. just like in real life
Makasuro said:
I am outraged that I did not see one hispanic in the movie!

I am sure that somewhere in Minas Tirith, under the rubble of the collapsed towers, there was a hispanic going "get off me homes!"

(not parody. TRIBUTE.)
Khushi said:
good guys are only white. the bad guys are crazy arabs and blacks riding on elephants :rofl:

not like i care, just a thought :p

I think it speaks volumes of yourself when you see it and the only impression you got from it is that minorities will be mad.
CapnPyro said:
Well if you cut out the sniffling, braid tugging, and dress smoothing it'll about a brisk 20 minute episode per book.

We talking WoT?

If you cut all that stuff out you would lose 3 or 4 main characters. ;)
meh, there are enough black people in the matrix to counter this move. except "the one" was white...
RegisteredFruit said:
Wonder what they'll do in those Narnia movies. As I remember, some of the bad guys were ragheads.

Woah woah, stop the presses.

They're going to be making Chronicles of Narnia movies?

Those books rock.
If they make Narnia movies, wouldn't they have to do like 3 books per movie? I mean if not then that's a hell of a lot of movies.
El Mariachi said:
I think it speaks volumes of yourself when you see it and the only impression you got from it is that minorities will be mad.

observation, not impression. my impression would just be ofn given the 100s of other rotk threads.