I am totally fucking bored of WoW :o

and theyre noobifying wow up as much as possible while minimizing any effort on their part in order to pull in more casual subscribers before it reaches a critical point of gayness and implodes on itself.... nearly every major mmo ended like this, its now happening with wow.
I don't mind what they have done with WoW, I feel that I can play for a few months then stop, come back get some gear through badges and not worry about it, before if you quit playing you fall behind and nobody will allow you in a raid because your gear is too far behind. Gearing alts and getting off spec gear is a lot easier too, so you aren't locked into playing only one class, and one spec.

You don't need to be playing a game non stop for years just to stay on top of things.
thats always been possible from expansion to expansion. besides the whole goal of the game is acquiring gear... if they water that down, whats the point? its just virtual masterbation then.
If someone told me it was an early alpha of WoW, I'd believe it :o:

I mean look at the SS "mounts mounts mounts" (can't direct link it). Every step of the interface is identical.

No way, it is a lot different then WoW, look at the bag and key icons in the interface, in Alganon they are on the left, in WoW they are on the right, groundbreaking!
The main land is called Asheroth. Warriors have Anger instead of Rage.

Its a completely different game. Get out of here.
If someone told me it was an early alpha of WoW, I'd believe it :o:

I mean look at the SS "mounts mounts mounts" (can't direct link it). Every step of the interface is identical.
It even has some actual WoW-alpha stuff -- some of the screenshots showed the character with "Focus" that was the exact same color as it used to be back then, rofl.